Sunday, January 26, 2020
Research Achievements in Biomedical Engineering
Research Achievements in Biomedical Engineering BIOMEDICAL ENGINNERING Biomedical Engineering is a branch of engineering which combines biology and medicine with engineering principles and mechanics for the enhancement of advanced health care treatment and numerous breakthroughs in medicine. Bioengineer is a cross-disciplinary field which requires skills and knowledge to understand, define and solve biomedical and clinical problems through engineering sciences. Biomedical Engineers works on various sector within bioengineering i.e. tissue engineering, genetic engineering, imaging, biomaterials and a lot more. Bioengineers design and develop new equipment and methods, surgical devices, prosthetics and artificial organs for medical imaging, monitoring and diagnosing disease. They also work for the development of new medical procedures and research solutions. Bioengineering has become a promising and developing field in present times. Among various inventions of biomedical engineering, a cochlear implant is one of the important medical discovery. A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted medical device which replaces the function of a damaged inner ear by bypassing the damaged hair cells of a cochlea to provide signals to the brain. It works more than a hearing aid device. It is basically used by the people who have hearing loss in both ears and those who are not benefitted by hearing aids. The implant has been used by enormous population having hearing loss and difficulties because of its immense effectiveness. And as of December, 2012, approximately 324,200 registered devices have been implanted worldwide. Figure: Cochlear Implant ( Another Significant achievement in Biomedical engineering is Composite tissue transplantation. There has been a lot of interest in the development of bioengineered structures with multiple tissue types because of the recent success of clinical Vascularized Composite Allografts (VCAs) including the face (upper, lower) and abdominal walls. The tissue transplantation serves as a replacement of traumatic losses from explosives, burns, cosmetic concerns and various major functional injuries. Since VCA depends upon the growth of recipients nerves into the grafted donor tissue, many difficulties have been arising for achieving the cooperation of different tissue in vivo. Further research is going on to meet the challenges and difficulties. The field of biomedical engineering is expanding with successful experiments and surgeries. However, there are certain experimental and surgical failures as well. In one of the cases, one of the Duke university Hospital surgeon operated a heart and lung transplantation surgery of Jessica Santilan on February 7, without recalling the information of the donors blood type. There was absence of positive confirmation of ABO compatibility of the donor organs and the identified recipient patient. This was considered a critical mistake as it caused Ms. Santilan desperately ill with signs of irreversible brain damage. Biomedical Engineering is one of the most promising career. One must complete a four years Bachelors degree and a two years master degree in Biomedical Engineering major to become a professional Biomedical Engineer. An average salary of a Biomedical Engineer is $86,220 per annum. Being a Biomedical engineer, one can work for the betterment of health, society and can achieve a standard professional and financial living. REFERENCES Â Â Mattsson, J., Ringden, O., Storb, R. (2008, Januaary). Graft Failure Allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Retrieved from: Ericson, G. (2016, January 13). One-sided hearing, cochlear implants studied in project. Retrieved from:
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Lebanon’s Social Problems Essay
Lebanon is a very beautiful country and an important destination for tourism. Lebanon or as the bible called it once â€Å"The land of milk and honey†. Beirut is the capital of the country and it’s also nicknamed â€Å"Paris of the East†. Famous people are originally half Lebanese such as the well known Columbian artist â€Å"Shakira†. There are five countries which surround Lebanon which are: Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Cyprus & Palestine (Israel). Several problems started to appear in Lebanon. In 1943-1948 after France got out from Lebanon the Christians took the balance of power in the country while Muslims haven’t much of a power back then, this caused some tensions between those two. The tension reached its limit in 1975 when a radical Christian group attacked a bus full of Palestinians and killed them. After this incident, some vengeful attacks were made as a respond for the Christians actions which led to more hate and no trust at all between Muslims and the other group. After seven years, exactly in 1985 The Israeli army invaded Beirut to remove the Palestinians Liberation Organization as they said. All those wars and conflicts and wars in the city and in the country in general led to very serious and sad results. Between 150-200 thousand people were killed while 300 thousand were wounded, that goes for the human cost but as for the economic cost was very heavy and it actually was paralyzed for many years which stroke hard to the whole country. The peace has finally come in 1989 which put off the furious flames of war. In the recent days, Lebanon began to recover from that savagery conflict which led to nothing but destruction and sadness. People came back to their homes after they left it because of the war. The buildings which were affected by the conflict are restored by the help of some other countries. The most important thing that tourism is finally revived and people now can enjoy everything in Beirut after the horror the city lived in the past several years. Tourists can relax and enjoy Skiing on the mountains, taking sunbath on the beach and also swim in the blue sea.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Address by Marga Minco
Analysis of a Key Passage The Address by Marga Minco In The Address by Marga Minco, the author suggests that people do not realize what they take for granted until they do not have them anymore. In the excerpt, the narrator is in a house with all her possessions, and the daughter of the woman who took all these possessions has no idea what is going on. Long ago, the narrator’s mother had given all her worldly possessions to a strange lady, who always took everything away with a look of greed.The narrator has come to the house with all the possessions, and it suddenly hits her that all her memories are just through the doorway. When she enters, she sees all of her possessions, â€Å"in a room which I both knew and didn’t know†. This one simple line describes how she feels, how though all her memories are in the room, they are not place in the right spot, as if the chronological placement was off, and all her memories are mixed up. I found myself among things I had wanted to see again but which oppressed me in the strange surroundings†describes her confusion, because though everything looked normal, (similar to the way she acts as if nothing is happening) it’s the inside story of every object that is scaring her; how it has her memories imprinted in it, and yet, they are not there anymore, because this is not her house, and she does not own any of this anymore.I scarcely dared to look around me anymore†symbolizes her fright of looking at everything she had and lost, and now they do not belong to her, though she has a slight longing for them in order to have a sense of normality. â€Å"Somewhere on the edge there should be a burn hole in which had never been repaired†this line, when read closely, depicts the hole as a sort of ledge, where her mind is clinging onto, so she may find some familiar feeling in all this strangeness. It also depicts a large bottomless pit, where she wants to throw all the bad feelings and memories away, throw them deep into this hole.The daughter does not notice anything wrong, because she is like a newborn baby: she does not know where any of this comes from, but she does not question it, because she has been raised with these objects. But she is also the opposite of her mother; while her mother stole all the possessions without a worry or a care, she is sweeter, gentler. The daughter is innocent and unknowing of what happened, while the mother is guilty and knows exactly why the narrator is here. When prompted, she (the daughter) talks of how everything in the room is nothing important, how they are all antiques and nothing special.But the narrator then offers a retort of passion and sadness â€Å"you get used to all these beautiful things at home, you hardly look at them anymore. You only nothice when something is not there, because it has to be repaired, or for example, because you’ve lent it to someone†. This small speech shows how she never thoug ht of these possessions and memories as important, but now that they are not with her anymore, now that she knows she cannot take them all back, she feels they describe her life. But it is too late.Near the end of the excerpt, the narrator mentions how, when she was younger, she thought her cutlery was made from silver, but never really thought of it. The daughter laughs, but when she goes to check her own cutlery, the narrator rushes out, to â€Å"forget the address†and everything she ever remembered. This is because she wants to leave every memory she had behind, to start anew. It is her sudden realization that she does not possess these memories anymore that causes her to change and force herself to forget everything from the past.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Key Components Of Customer Service - 1124 Words
Question One Research at least two tourism or travel texts and identify five key components of customer service to the New Zealand tourism or travel industry. There are many ways for one to show good customer service and as said by Collier (2011), good customer service is essential. Collier mentions that meeting and exceeding customer expectations is the way to good customer service. To give good customer service, key methods would be being consistent and continuous with work ethic and attitude, and constantly doing this. Being thoughtful too not only customers, but other colleges are a key component as well as availability to customers. This is important as customers need to feel as if you are willing and able to provide your service. Punctuality and grooming are also mentioned as critical elements as it is how you present yourself to customers. Colliers skills and qualities mentioned replicate the five key components of customer service said by the SERVQUAL service measuring system (Parasuraman, Zeithaml Berry 1988). The first component is tangible, meaning the staff should have a tidy appearance, and all facilities should be clean and presented well. Reliability is also a key component, customers should be able to trust the staff members to do the correct job without fail. Responsiveness is also important, meaning the staff member being prepared and eager to help the customer s and do it knowing that the customer is their number one priority. Staff members need toShow MoreRelatedDetermining The Final Marketing Mix1299 Words  | 6 Pagesthe research that you completed in BSBMKG501B to complete this question. required or preferred products/services: preferred price point: preferred method of payment: How will consumer priorities, needs and preference impact on the marketing mix selected? 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