Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Wishing I Found The Courage Sooner Professor Ramos Blog
Wishing I Found The Courage Sooner â€Å"Do you feel any older?†my father said as he was giving me my yearly birthday discourse. I was turning sixteen, and I got a similar discourse each year, aside from this year he had included, â€Å"You still arent permitted to date, And in the event that I discover you do, there will be consequences.†Now this was amazing to me, on the grounds that despite the fact that I knew I wasnt permitted to date, I realized I was getting more established also, it just didnt truly bode well on the grounds that my sibling was just a year more established and had as of now been dating for a considerable length of time. In spite of the fact that it might appear to be excessive and sound totally chauvinist, my father isnt some loathsome fellow. I am his lone little girl and the most youthful of every one of my kin, so I figure that is the reason he acts a little too defensive over me and still considers me to be a child. As maddened as I was about what my father let me know, I let it slide since it didnt appear as though I had anything to consider at the time in light of the fact that I didnt have a sweetheart. Be that as it may, I was additionally terrified to ever tell my father on the off chance that I did. This wasnt the first time I had been dealt with uniquely in contrast to my sibling. Bouncing back to being seven years of age, I review things like preparing the table regular. Which in the event that you at any point needed to do you would know its an incredibly irritating errand, generally if you resembled me and were fixated on watching motion pictures, since I would be running back furthermore, forward doing whatever it takes not to miss the significant parts. I cannot state there was nothing but bad to originate from setting the table in light of the fact that everytime we ate me and my siblings would have an opposition on who could complete their food first and I would consistently lose, until I found we had two size forks. Regular I would give myself a major fork and give them little forks. The most stunned i’d ever seen them was the first occasion when they at any point saw me finish before them. â€Å"What? No chance? That’s impossible†â€Å"Better karma next time†I answered with an insidious grin. This continued for a considerable length of time until one day I asked, â€Å"why do I generally need to set the table?†My inquiry was rarely truly replied. Rather I was told â€Å"because you’re in every case first floor and your siblings are upstairs.†I didn’t let's assume anything back in spite of the fact that I realized that what he was stating was only a reason. I generally took note an example which was my stepmom cooking in the kitchen and me being approached to prepare the table. After that day, I started to see a change. I despite everything kept on setting the table regularly, however a few changes were made. There began to be days where my siblings were advised to do it, or it would be split and I would prepare the table while my siblings would get some R&R for everybody. Life at my mom’s house was altogether different, perhaps on the grounds that she was a young lady and new how it was to be dealt with distinctively and needed for me and my sibling to be raised as equivalents. We generally had similar tasks, sleep time and so forth. The thing with my mother knowing how it was to be raised as a young lady she knew the threat and terror factor that accompanied it. There was a cover on where my mother and father concurred and that was on my check in time and where I was not permitted to go out and my sibling was, even at a more youthful age they were increasingly exacting on what time and where I was going. This was in every case amazingly irritating and baffling. My mother was in every case very severe on the off chance that I needed to go through the night at someone’s house or go out with companions. She gave me a similar discourse everytime I left the vehicle, it was intense and consistently felt very long and I didnt truly comprehend why she would disclose to me constantly. It would begin with who im going with, where I was going, when will I be back, at that point she would get number of my companions guardians. In spite of the fact that my sibling got a comparative discourse, it wasnt the equivalent and wasnt as worried as mine might have been. I know my mother wasnt the main individual giving this discourse to their children about security however I generally saw it was progressively centered around young ladies. This didnt irritate me as much until I began to get more established. At the point when I was thirteen years of age, I was at my fathers house and I got a message from my companion saying there was a reasonable around. She inquired as to whether I needed to go with her, it was at that point truly late and I definitely realized it would have been a battle to attempt to persuade my father. I at last got the mental fortitude and went first floor. I started by sitting close to him, professing to be keen on whatever he was viewing. Wow this film appears to be truly intriguing, I may watch it later definitely its great, I leased it prior, on the off chance that you need to watch it you need to by tomorrow since I need to return it I gestured and after around seven minutes started inquiring as to whether he knew there was this truly cool jubilee that was just open that end of the week. I could tell he could see where I was going in the discussion and he laughed a piece. I proceeded with all the truly cool things about this festival and how the entirety of my companions were going. At that point got irritated when my sibling strolled mostly down the steps said â€Å"im going out to see the films with my companions in an hour†turned around, and strolled up steps like it was nothing. While I got told no, in light of the fact that it was late, effectively dim outside and undependable. He gave me a trade off, and I took it. He said â€Å"the reasonable will at present be there tomorrow and you can go then when its earlier.†Throughout the years I understood increasingly more that what was going on wasnt reasonable and should have been discussed. I went to my folks and started to converse with them about how they were causing me to feel not exactly my sibling and how it wasnt reasonable or equivalent what they were doing. I revealed to them that â€Å"I had the right to be dealt with a similar way my sibling was dealt with and that, I need to have the option to leave a similar time and have the option to return the equivalent time.†â€Å"we are so grieved, thank you for coming to us and telling us how we have been making you feel†Without acknowledging it, my folks particularly my father acknowledged what he had been doing. Subsequent to letting them know, I felt as though a weight was lifted off my mind, I felt free. I wish I had went to my folks sooner on the grounds that from that point forward, me and my sibling have been treated as equivalents and I not, at this point felt alone or no t exactly my siblings. h
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Social Campaign Reports Measure Your Strategys Impact in CoSchedule
Social Campaign Reports Measure Your Strategys Impact in Information demonstrates the ROI of the work you do. (wonderful) The monotonous procedure of †¦.compiling statsâ from your LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and FB stages †¦.sifting through lines of information in your â€Å"oh-so-lovely†spreadsheets†¦ looking at AND getting a handle on for connections Lastly putting those details into something your group can *actually* get it? ^ not all that great. Let’s make this procedure less agonizing (and tedious), will we? Presenting ’s most up to date revealing expansion:  Social Campaign Reports. With Social Campaign Reports, you and your group can: Assess crusade execution over different systems (in one spot). Join battle information from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest in one report. So you can measure the accomplishment of your most recent occasion advancement, item dispatch, or other explicit crusades across web-based social networking. Take out those â€Å"gut feelings†and utilize hard information to settle on key choices. Gain admittance to execution measurements that assist you with breaking down patterns, distinguish issue zones, and ceaselessly refine your social substance. Rapidly pinpoint connections between's two crusades with next to each other examinations. Look at comparable social battles or presents next to each other on test what’s working (and what isn’t). So you can consistently calibrate your informing for your developing crowd. Furthermore, make introduction prepared reports to impart to your group and VPs. Provide information driven criticism to your workers and characterize your showcasing choices to your CEO with measurements and investigation individuals can really comprehend. Here’s how
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Mid-year Grade Reports And Other Common Questions
Mid-year Grade Reports And Other Common Questions Quick answers to a few of the common questions in my blog over the last few days - How will I know if MIT has received my mid-year grade report? You really dont need to worry about this. In a case where we need to see a mid-year report and it has not been received, we will personally contact your school to get it. In other words, if we feel that a mid-year report is needed to make a decision, no decision will be made until we have the report. I should note that a mid-year grade report cant save an otherwise problematic application. We generally use them to confirm a decision (i.e. to make sure youre sustaining the work that led us to want to admit you in the first place). Were not going to see an app with poor grades and think lets see if he/she got all As senior year that app would never have made it that far in committee. - What if my school is on a trimester system? Send us what you can this is usually the first trimester grades. - Is it too late to send in supplementary materials? Other than mid-year grades, yes. Youre always welcome to send them but at this point the committee will not see them until after selection, when it will be too late for them to make a difference. - What about standardized test scores? We have received test scores from all tests conducted in January 2006 or before, and these will be seen by the committee. - When will decisions be released? I dont know the exact date yet. Sometime in mid-March. It will likely be after Pi-Day, but hopefully only a few days thereafter. - Will you be releasing decisions online? Its our hope to be able to do so, but we are still testing. We are hoping to make the official announcement on March 6.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
`` A Good Man Is Hard And Find, Revelations, And ``...
In â€Å"A good man is hard to find†, revelations†and â€Å"Everything that rises must converge†by Flannery O’Connor clearly portray a theme of racism based on selfishness, pride and grace. All three main characters undergo a prophecy like moment that eventually leads to the loss of their dignity and selfish attitude and in turn they each achieve grace. This paper will provide a detailed analysis on how all three main characters go from being selfish to eventually self-analyzing themselves and in turn they mature and gain grace and change the way they view others. My investigation of these stories will show how each protagonist had to experience some form of tragedy in order to become self-aware of the way people perceive them. O’Connor presents in these stories how each main character and also in reality people in life need to be brought to a tragic like moment in life that causes them to not continue in the ways they are accustomed to. O’Connor takes her main characters through an epiphany in which therefore helps the characters to become aware of their own ignorance. The characters eventually gained knowledge or better yet became self-aware of their attitudes towards others through some form of an unexpected tragedy. O’Connor wants her readers to see how no matter how much you try to cover or justify your ignorant ways whether it be through grace, judgment is still imminent. â€Å"In A Good Man is Hard to Find†, O’Connor reveals in this story both grace, redemption and pride. TheShow MoreRelatedComparative Analysis Of O Connor s Stories Essay1923 Words  | 8 Pagesin the stories are wandering believers on journeys to find redemption. Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†(1953) and â€Å"Everything That Rises Must Converge†(1965) both contain a traveling setting within which both include characters that similarly travel on a journey of redemption, using characterization, symbolism, and irony to show the absurdity of human behavior. First, O’Connor begins her story in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†by presenting the flaws in the leading character, theRead More Flannery OConnors Short Fiction Essay examples3159 Words  | 13 PagesOConnors Greenleaf, Everything that Rises Must Converge, and A Good Man is Hard to Find Introduction To the uninitiated, the writing of Flannery OConnor can seem at once cold and dispassionate, as well as almost absurdly stark and violent. Her short stories routinely end in horrendous, freak fatalities or, at the very least, a characters emotional devastation. Working his way through Greenleaf, Everything that Rises Must Converge, or A Good Man is Hard to Find, the new reader feelsRead MoreEffectiveness of Juvenile Incarceration1357 Words  | 6 PagesLacrisha Lewis Patrick Anyanetu Eng.120 11/18/10 Research Paper â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find†by Flannery O’Connor who is a Southern American novelist and short story writer, O’ Connor’s career expanded in the 1950sand early 60s, a time when the South was dominated by Protestant Christians.O’Connor was born and raised a Catholic. She was a fundamentalist and aChristian moralist whose powerful apocalyptic fiction is focused in the South.Flannery O’Connor was born March 25, 1925 in SavannahRead MoreFlannery OConner and the use of grotesque character in Good country people and a good man is hard to find1226 Words  | 5 Pageswork as Southern Gothic (Walters 30). In Many of her short stories, A Good Man Is Hard To Find for example, Flannery O Connor creates grotesque characters to illustrate the evil in people. Written in 1953, A Good Man Is Hard To Find is one of O Connor s most known pieces of work and has received many awards. Throughout the story, you come across many twists and turns when you least expect it. A Good Man Is Hard To Find is a story which includes religion, right and wrong and society as a wholeRead MoreEssay about O’Connor’s Works: An In-Depth Analysis2157 Words  | 9 PagesAlong with wide-ranging analysis of her design, framework, importance, sculpts styles, and impacts, crucial conversation often facilities on theological factors of OConnor’s perform. Inquiries into the level of her spiritual objective, experts usually find OConnor to be the conventional Religious that she adamantly announced herself. 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KateRead MoreGame Theory and Economic Analyst83847 Words  | 336 Pagesthree game theorists, Nash, Harsanyi, and Selten. A look back at its brief history brings out several troubling similarities with economic science, in places where one might not expect to ï ¬ nd them. Game theory was invented in order to satisfy a mathematical curiosity. The diï ¬Æ'culty at the outset was to ï ¬ nd a theoretical solution to the problems posed by uncertainty in games of chance. The example of checkers interested Zermelo (1913), and then the ï ¬ rst complete mathematical formulation of strategiesRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 Pageswith the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Edmonds, Ennis Barrington. Rastafari : from outcasts to culture bearers / Ennis Barrington Edmonds. p. cm. Includes
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Closer Look At The Period Between 1930 And 1941
By the mid-1930s Reza Shah s dictatorial style of rule caused dissatisfaction in Iran, particularly among religious and intellectual elites. Contradictory to strong will of modernization, Reza shah believed in monophony. A closer look at the period between 1930 and 1941 furthermore reveals a concentration of important changes around the mid 1930s: The political climate became more restrictive, as reflected in the decree against collectivist ideas in 1931 or the Gowhar Shad incident in 1935; the ruling oligarchy was exchanged, exemplified in Teymurtash’s dismissal in 1932 and the increasingly important role of the police (shahrbani) in controlling the public sphere; also, the state’s general attitude became more and more xenophobic. These trends and events had an equally strong impact on cultural life. Cultural mobility was not wanted in all aspects, he wanted to control it but he did not know that culture flow is not controllable even a dictator can not do that. Therefore:censorship. Due to strict censorship of politically criticism, many plays were prohibited. Satire was not tolerated, unless it was aimed at the backward previous Qajar dynasty, and because each play had to be cleared by censors, drama found an outlet in the writing and performance at patriotic and historical dramas eulogizing the glories of the past. Because of bawdy and often political nature of performances, in 1930 Reza Shah Pahlavi Censorship officers began demanding to see texts of the plays inShow MoreRelated Legacy of Communist Leaders1524 Words  | 7 Pages Legacy of Communist Leaders The History of modern Russia (twentieth century) is the period of communist government. After the revolution in 1917 Russia became the first communist state, which survived until 1991. Seventy-four years of rapid changes left an enormous mark in the history of Russia. This period of history introduced us to the greatest communist leaders. History doesnt happen by itself. There must be Individuals who make it. And in our history those individualsRead MoreThe Classical Narrative System2018 Words  | 9 PagesThe Classical Narrative System Following the 1927 Wall street crash America entered a period of recession which continued into the 1930’s. With the advent of sound the cost of producing movies rose and so studios needed more money to make films. Investors, keen to see a return on their money, wanted films that would please audiences. This meant that films being made became generic. It was safer and more efficient for them to make a crime film or a western to a specific formula that would guaranteeRead MoreThe Studio System Essay14396 Words  | 58 Pagesthe films we watch. Starting in 1920, Adolph Zukor, head of Paramount Pictures, over the decade of the 1920s helped to fashion Hollywood into a vertically integrated system, a set of economic innovations which was firmly in place by 1930. For the next three decades, the movie industry in the United States and the rest of the world operated by according to these principles. Cultural, social and economic changes ensured the demise of this system after the Second WorldRead MoreThe Great Depression Brought Changes to Art in Many Ways2399 Words  | 10 PagesPrecisionist painter. His paintings mainly consisted of simplified forms of American factories and buildings and used crisped defined edges with smooth brushwork throughout his paintings. Above is his famous work titled simply â€Å"American Landscape, 1930†. Another popular form of art was art Deco, which was mostly found in American architecture, jewelry, furniture, clothes and handcrafts through out the 1920’s. It’s geometrical design with parallel lines kept the sleekness style throughout the 1920’sRead MoreModern History.Hsc.2012 Essay25799 Words  | 104 PagesMODERN HISTORY -2012 Topic one – USA 1919-1941 Topic two – conflict in the pacific Topic three – Douglas MacArthur Topic Four – World War I TOPIC ONE – USA 1919-1941 USA 1920’S * the radio age * felt like istory had turned a corner and never going back * stock market * black Thursday November 24 1929 * the jazz age * a speakeasyyyyyyy How significant were the Republican policies in causing the great depression? The significance of the republic policiesRead MoreEssay on The Great Depression2259 Words  | 10 Pages The Great Depression was a time of sadness and poverty for many. It became an unforgettable historical time in American history. The author of the book The Great Depression, Pierre Berton gives a clear view of what happened from 1929-1941. He basically outlines the Depression event by event, explaining what happened where and who was involved. Although many books can tell stories of the depression, I think the author of this book did a good job getting all the facts and letting the reader know exactlyRead MoreInterpretations of the Origins of WWII3781 Words  | 16 Pagesthe most destructive war in history, with many different interpretations having been put forward. Richard Overys argument is a complex one, involving a look at each of the major countries that entered the war from Germany in 1939, to the U.S. in 1941. Each country is looked at in detail with analyses of h ow each reacted to the crises in the 1930s, and what the concerns, difficulties, and attitudes were in each country. Another interpretation is PMH Bells, who takes the thirty years war interpretationRead MoreEssay on Labor Unions4638 Words  | 19 Pagesp. 344). Unions of this type include the United Steelworkers, United Auto Workers, and the United Transportation Union (Boone, 1996). History from the 1870’s to 1900’s. The first national union founded in Philadelphia in 1869 in the pre-Civil War period was the Knights of Labor, which â€Å"intended to include all workers†(Encyclopedia, 1996, p. 630). For a decade, this organization grew at a slow pace due to operating in secrecy until the failure of railroad strikes that increased membership to overRead MoreRoosevelt and Isolationism5742 Words  | 23 Pages 15 April 2011 On 7 December 1941, shortly after seven in the morning, Japanese airmen, amidst the cries of Banzai, commenced the bombing of Pearl Harbour, leaving them to wonder if the Americans had ever heard of the 1904 surprise attack on the Russian Naval base at Port Arthur. In less than twenty-four hours after the Japanese aggression, United States President Franklin Delano Roosevelt would address the congress: Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy -Read MoreBrief History And Evolution Of Las Vegas4044 Words  | 17 Pagesof the most well known cities in the world. Known for its neon lights and license to sin, it is no wonder that the success story of the city of Las Vegas appears to just be beginning. This paper will look at the history of Las Vegas, various marketing strategies within Las Vegas, and take a closer look at specific marketing strategies of some of the most successful hotels currently in the city that lives under the famous neon lights. History of Las Vegas Las Vegas found its humble beginning in 1905
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Classical Conditioning Free Essays
‘Classical conditioning provides us with a way to learn cause and effect relations between environmental events’ (Martin, Carlson and Buskist, 2010, pg 259). Classical conditioning is learning by association and is the main way in which we develop phobias. The main type being specific phobias which are generally influenced by genetics or a traumatic childhood event. We will write a custom essay sample on Classical Conditioning or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are three basic principles off classical conditioning which are important to be aware of when researching the development of phobias: Acquisition, extinction and spontaneous recovery. Indirect conditioning is also a major factor in how phobias can develop. Examples of indirect conditioning are generalisation, higher order conditioning, sensory preconditioning and vicarious conditioning. Ivan Pavlov’s discovery is by far one of the best for describing the process of classical conditioning. In this essay it will explain how he used dogs and the production of saliva to show how we learn by association. Phobias are sometimes treated by systematic desensitisation. ‘The verb to sensitize means â€Å"to make someone highly responsive or susceptible to certain stimuli,†and the prefix de- indicates removing, or doing the opposite. (Sarafino E. P. , 1996, pg 232). This essay will also show some examples of how systematic desensitization is performed. Although Ivan Pavlov was a trained physiologist he still became one of the most famous researchers in psychology. He started out studying various substances secreted by animals which helped aid digestion and on noble prize for his study in 1904. One substance which was of partic ular interest to him was saliva. He became intrigued as to what stimuli influenced the production of saliva. Pavlov based his study on dogs and was able to measure the amount of saliva produced by connecting a tube to their salivary ducts (Mazur, 2006). He did a number of testing sessions where food powder would be placed in the dog’s mouth each time. After a few times the dogs became experienced and began to salivate even before the food powder was placed in their mouths. He decided to control this phenomenon. He came up with an experiment using an inexperienced dog and sounding a bell each time just before the dog was given the food powder. After 12 or so of these sessions the food powder was no longer needed for the production of saliva as the sound itself was enough. Pavlov showed that salvation can be elicited by a new learned stimulus (CS) so salvation n becomes a conditional response (CR). He studied this type of learning for the rest of his life, which is now called classical conditioning (Martin et al. 2010). According to Martin et al, classical conditioning accomplishes 2 functions. First, is the ability to learn to recognize stimuli that may predict when an important event is about to occur so it enables the learner to respond faster and more effectively. This ability would be extremely important for people with phobias as this allows them to avoid their feared stimuli or event. For example, with a person who is afraid of spiders (arachnophobia) and has seen a web, their main reaction would be to get away from the area as quick as possible as the web would initiate that there is a spider nearby. Second, stimuli that were previously unimportant can become associated with important stimuli and therefore change people’s behaviour towards the stimuli. For example, we would respond more positively to a stack of gold bricks then to a stack of concrete bricks. Phobias are generally caused by something that may have happened earlier in life, where the person was ‘exposed to the now-feared object in conjunction with a stimulus that elicited pain or fear. ’ (Martin et al. 2010, pg 262) Classical conditioning principles are the main processes which show the development of phobias. Acquisition is the main reason why phobias develop. According to Martin et al, a single pairing of the CS with UCS is not generally enough for a learned response to take place. Therefore this shows that a small event which does not affect the person does not create a phobia. Acquisition is the learning phase of classical conditioning, during which the CS gradually increases in frequency or strength. The main two factors that are associated with the development of a phobia learned by classical conditioning are intensity and timing. If there is a great amount of pain associated with the stimuli the person will learn quickly to fear the stimuli and in severe cases even develop a phobia. The second factor is timing of the CS and the UCS; if they both occur in close timing of one another the person is more likely to develop a fear of the stimuli. Extinction of the feared event can occur when the CS occurs many times with the UCS to get rid of the CR, thus the CS will no longer elicit the CR. Indirect conditioning also influences the onset of phobias. Generalisation is one such way in which a CR can be elicited indirectly. When certain stimuli are alike the CS and are able to elicit the CR this is called generalisation. For example if a person had a bad experience with a dog and now fears that dog, it is likely they will be afraid of all types of dogs. Vicarious conditioning is also another main process in which people develop phobias indirectly. For instance, if someone hears or reads about a story which is of an unpleasant event described in detail that imaginary event that we would picture as we hear or read the event (UCS) can provide imaginary stimuli (CSs) that can lead to real life conditional responses(CRs). (Martin et al, 2010) Another example that would most commonly occur today is if a parent has a fear of cats their child may witness their fearful response and therefore the child can develop a phobia with being exposed to a traumatic event involving a cat. One of the most famous examples of an experiment and how classical conditioning principles can develop phobias is that of Little Albert. This experiment was carried out by John B. Watson who was influenced by Pavlov’s work. Watson carried out his experiment on a 9 month old bay called Albert who had no fear of rats. Watson found when he struck a steel bar the sound that came from it startled little Albert. He then repeated this but the second time placed a rat with Albert. Watson repeated this about seven times and then presented the rat by itself and Little Albert became distressed. He was then shown similar object and the initial conditioned response was generalised to some of the similar objects such as a rabbit and dog. (Martin et al, 2010, pg 262) Systematic desensitization is generally used to get rid of phobias. According to Sarafino, Joseph Wolpe used the concept of counter conditioning as a basis in developing a technique to get rid of people’s fears which he had described in the following way: ‘ a physiological state inhibitory of anxiety is induced in the patient by means of muscle relaxation, and the is then exposed to a weak anxiety – arousing stimulus for a few seconds. If the exposure is repeated several times, the stimulus progressively loses its ability to evoke anxiety. Then successively â€Å"stronger†stimuli are introduced and similarity treated. ’ ( 1973, pg 95, as cited in sarafino, 1996) This thought to be a very successful way of getting rid of phobias and is one of many ways in which Systematic desensitization is used. From this essay it is clear that classical conditioning principles strongly influence the development of phobias using many key factors. From the extract of Joseph Wolpe it gives a clear understanding how his understanding concept of counter conditioning is used to desensitize phobias. References: * Martin, G. N. , Carlson, N. R. , Buskist, W. (2010) Introduction to Psychology. Essex; England. Pearson Education Limited * Mazur, J. E. (2006) Learning and Behavior. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Pearson Education. * Sarafino, E. P. (1996) Principles of Behavior Change. Toronto, Canada, John wiley and sons, Inc. How to cite Classical Conditioning, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Building Code free essay sample
The provisions of this Code shall apply to the design, location, siting, construction, alteration, repair, conversion, use, occupancy, maintenance, moving, and demolition of, and addition to, public and private buildings and structures. (b) Additions, alterations, repairs, and changes of use or occupancy in all buildings and structures shall comply with requirements for new buildings and structures except as otherwise herein provided. Only such portion or ortions of the existing building or structure which have to be altered to effect the addition, alteration, or repair shall be made to conform to the requirements for new buildings or structures. Alterations should preserve the aesthetic value of the building to be altered. (c) Where, in any specific case, different section of this Code specify different materials, methods of construction, or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern. All devices or safeguards, which are required by this Code in a building or structure when constructed, altered, or repaired, shall be maintained on good working order. We will write a custom essay sample on Building Code or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page SECTION 1. 01. 07: Insanitary, Unsafe, Hazardous, or Dangerous Sites (a) The land or site upon which will be constructed any building or structure, or any ancillary or auxiliary facility thereto, shall be sanitary, hygienic or safe. Where the land or site is polluted, insanitary, unhygienic, unsafe, or hazardous, conditions contributing to or causing its being polluted, insanitary, unhygienic, unsafe, or hazardous shall be reasonably improved or corrected, or proper remedial measures shall be prescribed or incorporated in the design or construction of the building or structure in accordance with the provisions of this Code. b) The land or site upon which be constructed a building of structure or any ancillary or accessory facility thereto, for use of human habitation or abode, shall be at a safe distance from streamers or bodies of water and/source of air considered to be polluted, volcano or volcanic site, and building or structure considered to be a potential source of fire or explosion, such as ammunitions factory or dump and storage place for highly inflammable material. SECTION 1. 01. 08: Dangerous and Ruinous Buildings or Structures (a) General. The provisions of this Code shall apply to all dangerous buildings, as herein defined, which are now in existence or which may hereafter be constructed, as well as to ruinous buildings as defined in Article 482 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. (b) Dangerous Buildings Defined. Dangerous buildings are those which are structurally unsafe or not provided with safe degrees, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life, or which in relation to existing use constitute a hazard to safety or health or public welfare, by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, fire hazard, or abandonment; or which otherwise contribute to the pollution of the site or the community to an intolerable degree. Any building or structure which has any or all of the conditions or defects hereinafter described, or conditions or defects similar thereto, shall be deemed to be dangerous building: Provided, That such conditions or defect exists to the extent that the life, health, property, or safety of the public or its occupant are endangered: (1) Whenever any door, aisle, passageway, stairway, or other means of exist is not of sufficient width or size, or is not so arranged as to provide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire or panic; 2) Whenever the stress in any materials member or portion thereof, due to all dead and live loads is more than one and one-half times the working stresses or stresses allowed in this Code for new building of similar structure, purpose, or location: Provided, That in determining working stress, the working stress method of analysis shall be used, and in the case of engineering overstress, the ultimate strength method; 3)
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Winter Dreams Essays - Hypocorisms, Judy, Television, Dexter
Winter Dreams The story Winter Dreams is the epitome of the saying "opposites attract". Just take a look at two of the main characters of the story; Dexter Green and Judy Jones. Judy who was born into wealth has had everything hand fed to her, for her entire life. And on the other hand you have Dexter, a boy from black bear, Minnesota with a dad that owns the second most successful grocery store in area. Dexter is a boy that comes from an upper class family, yet still knows the importance of working for riches and is fully prepared to do so. Two different people that are still drawn together by two things, Judy's loveliness and Dexter's gullable personality. First, let's look at Judy's personality. She is snobby yet refined, with an innocent demeanor that can be down right evil. She is also with out a care in the world. This personality of hers is best potrayed at the golf course when the gentlemen are playing a round of golf and all of the sudden here "fore". Mr. Hedrick is struck in the stomach with a golf ball that was hit by Judy. As she approaches the men Mr. Hedrick blurts out that her wild shot had hit him in the stomach, and Judy merely replies "Did I?" "I'm sorry. I yelled ?fore!' " (p 673) as nothing that had just occurred was out of the ordinary. Then she continued to look for her ball as she carelessly walks by the gentlemen, and after all that had just occurred she asked if they had seen where it went after striking Hedrick. Dexter on the other hand is completely different than Judy. He is a hard working boy, that is known and respected as one of the top caddies of the golf course in Black Bear. Dexter is a confident yet modest boy that has been schooled by the finest schools of the east. Meaning an ivy league school. He is smart and savvy yet extremely gullible to beauty, thus the reason for his obsession with Judy. His personality is best portrayed when he does not like the idea of the snotty little girl Judy bossing him around. He does not like it so without a hesitation he quits his job and goes home. As much as I liked Dexter and disliked Judy I found myself thinking that Dexter was a complete fool. He should have seen what Judy had been doing to all the other guys around him, and he should have left her. Yet he didn't and he hurt other people because of his foolishness. People like Irene, his bride to be whom he broke off his engagement to as soon as he got a hint of Judy showing interest in him. Woman can have that effect on men though and Dexter was only human so all could be forgiven of him. The only thing that puzzled me the most was the fact that after he had been told of Judy's ways he was extremely upset. Even after all the pain that was caused by the beautiful and wretched girl.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Crucible4 essays
The Crucible4 essays There are several similarities and differences between the 1996 movie The Crucible and the truth about what happened in the Salem Witch Trials. Even though there were differences between the movie The Crucible and the actual Salem Witch Trials, the movie summarized the trials very well. Ever since Increase Mather and thirteen or fourteen other pastors signed what was called the Cases of Conscience document, the village of Salem was in major controversy. The farms around there hadnt been farmed in months and the village wasnt looking good. Some of the Puritans blamed this on the witches (A Village Possessed). It was late one night when two girls by the names of Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams went out into the woods to a camp fire where they found a dozen other girls their age in a circle led by a person named Tituba (The Crucible). Every girl was acting a little strange, but Elizabeth and Abigail were acting a little stranger. Right when things got out of hand, the girls were discovered by Rev. Samuel Parris, pastor of Salem Village and father of Elizabeth Parris. All of the girls scattered and so did Tituba. The true side of the story is that the two girls had made a homemade crystal ball and dropped the white of an egg over it trying to see if they had any visions. Like a lot of the other girls in the village, Abigail and Elizabeth were trying to see into the future to learn who their husbands would be and to see what their husbands would do for a living. The girls went ahead and did this even though they knew that playing with the occult practice of fortune telling was f orbidden. The girls knew that tampering with the business of God could open the door to Satan (Rice Jr.). It was just a coincidence that something went very wrong that day. The two girls went to bed that night, but didnt awake the next morning. They just lied motionless in bed like they were in a coma. The girl...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
GEMOLOGY AND MATERIALS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
GEMOLOGY AND MATERIALS - Essay Example The crystals were of high quality and displayed dramatic color changes and vivid hues. The mineral also caught people’s attention as it reflected the imperial Russian flag. It became a national stone and was thought to have mystical powers. The Ural mountain deposits, however, did not last long and was later sourced from countries such as Brazil, Sri Lanka, and East Africa. Russia, however, remains as the primary source of the Gemstone (Schreiber, 2003). As stated above, Alexandrite is sourced from several regions apart from Russia. The Ural deposits were thought to be no more in 1980 and interests in the Gemstone decreased gradually. The situation, however, changed in 1987 when its deposits were found in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Brazilian Alexandrite also showed distinctive color changes. The Gemstone is also sourced from Sri Lanka, but its hues are not of high quality. Since 1990, Tunduru area in Tanzania has also been a source of outstanding Alexandrite Gemstones. Other sources include areas in Zimbabwe, Burma, India, and Madagascar (Schreiber, 2003). Although all Alexandrite Gemstone is elegant, its value lies on its ability to change color. Just like other colored stones, its value is also tied to it color’s degree of saturation and clarity. A stone with modest color changes having attractive and saturated colors is valuable than one who’s colors are browned or grayed and less dramatic. Alexandrite’s low availability, supply, and rarity are all indications of its high value. There are no established price tags for the gemstones because their availability is limited and are hardly found in stores. Starting with India, about 160 locations have been identified and mapped as Alexandrite Gem producing areas. Areas near the Araku Valley, for example, are very rich reserves of Alexandrite. Lack of funding, control by tribesmen and sanctions from the government have hindered mining activities and
Monday, February 3, 2020
Parapheasing Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Parapheasing - Article Example This allows for personal contact between manufacturer and supplier in order to solve any conflicts that might arise (Fynes et al., 2005). A manufacturer depends on suppliers. If a supplier does not deliver than trust is lost. Once trust is lost, the manufacturer and supplier relationship suffer. The Porter Five Force state five forces impact a business. The five forces are bargaining power of customers, threat of new entrants, bargain power of suppliers, threat of substitute products, and competitive rivalry within the industry. A supplier’s bargain power ranks with customer power, threat of new entrants, substitute products, and rivalry. Supplier bargaining power is important. That is why supplier and manufacturer relationship is so important. Input prices deviate from those that would prevail in a perfectly competitive input market in which input suppliers act as price takers due to the lack of competition. When the market has three major suppliers, the individual suppliers cannot negotiate prices. If the individual suppliers get contracts, the main goal is keeping the business. The larger suppliers can give bigger discounts due to the volume of business done. The individual suppliers cannot afford to not make a profit, whereas a bigger supplier can absorb profit loss better. Thus bigger suppliers can provide lower prices than individual suppliers. In a competitive input market the product can be offered at a level rate. For example, if product X costs a specific amount to make. Suppliers would be able to offer product X for about the same amount. Suppliers can make or break a business. Suppliers only have a concern for the individual business in regard to what will happen to their supply business. Suppliers are only as good as the supply of product given for the least amount of money. If a business fails, the supplier can find someone else to supply. Businesses rely on good
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Research Achievements in Biomedical Engineering
Research Achievements in Biomedical Engineering BIOMEDICAL ENGINNERING Biomedical Engineering is a branch of engineering which combines biology and medicine with engineering principles and mechanics for the enhancement of advanced health care treatment and numerous breakthroughs in medicine. Bioengineer is a cross-disciplinary field which requires skills and knowledge to understand, define and solve biomedical and clinical problems through engineering sciences. Biomedical Engineers works on various sector within bioengineering i.e. tissue engineering, genetic engineering, imaging, biomaterials and a lot more. Bioengineers design and develop new equipment and methods, surgical devices, prosthetics and artificial organs for medical imaging, monitoring and diagnosing disease. They also work for the development of new medical procedures and research solutions. Bioengineering has become a promising and developing field in present times. Among various inventions of biomedical engineering, a cochlear implant is one of the important medical discovery. A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted medical device which replaces the function of a damaged inner ear by bypassing the damaged hair cells of a cochlea to provide signals to the brain. It works more than a hearing aid device. It is basically used by the people who have hearing loss in both ears and those who are not benefitted by hearing aids. The implant has been used by enormous population having hearing loss and difficulties because of its immense effectiveness. And as of December, 2012, approximately 324,200 registered devices have been implanted worldwide. Figure: Cochlear Implant (https://www.google.com/url?sa=irct=jq=esrc=ssource=imagescd=cad=rjauact=8ved=0ahUKEwiNqNuKhqrSAhWBPCYKHUGND3IQjRwIBwurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.medindia.net%2Fpatients%2Fpatientinfo%2Fcochlearimplants.htmpsig=AFQjCNHJBWApt8n01ZcD9A0LCeka2nVq7Aust=1488070699063874) Another Significant achievement in Biomedical engineering is Composite tissue transplantation. There has been a lot of interest in the development of bioengineered structures with multiple tissue types because of the recent success of clinical Vascularized Composite Allografts (VCAs) including the face (upper, lower) and abdominal walls. The tissue transplantation serves as a replacement of traumatic losses from explosives, burns, cosmetic concerns and various major functional injuries. Since VCA depends upon the growth of recipients nerves into the grafted donor tissue, many difficulties have been arising for achieving the cooperation of different tissue in vivo. Further research is going on to meet the challenges and difficulties. The field of biomedical engineering is expanding with successful experiments and surgeries. However, there are certain experimental and surgical failures as well. In one of the cases, one of the Duke university Hospital surgeon operated a heart and lung transplantation surgery of Jessica Santilan on February 7, without recalling the information of the donors blood type. There was absence of positive confirmation of ABO compatibility of the donor organs and the identified recipient patient. This was considered a critical mistake as it caused Ms. Santilan desperately ill with signs of irreversible brain damage. Biomedical Engineering is one of the most promising career. One must complete a four years Bachelors degree and a two years master degree in Biomedical Engineering major to become a professional Biomedical Engineer. An average salary of a Biomedical Engineer is $86,220 per annum. Being a Biomedical engineer, one can work for the betterment of health, society and can achieve a standard professional and financial living. REFERENCES Â Â Mattsson, J., Ringden, O., Storb, R. (2008, Januaary). Graft Failure Allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2344125/ Ericson, G. (2016, January 13). One-sided hearing, cochlear implants studied in project. Retrieved from: https://source.wustl.edu/2008/09/onesided-hearing-cochlear-implants-studied-in-project/
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Lebanon’s Social Problems Essay
Lebanon is a very beautiful country and an important destination for tourism. Lebanon or as the bible called it once â€Å"The land of milk and honey†. Beirut is the capital of the country and it’s also nicknamed â€Å"Paris of the East†. Famous people are originally half Lebanese such as the well known Columbian artist â€Å"Shakira†. There are five countries which surround Lebanon which are: Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Cyprus & Palestine (Israel). Several problems started to appear in Lebanon. In 1943-1948 after France got out from Lebanon the Christians took the balance of power in the country while Muslims haven’t much of a power back then, this caused some tensions between those two. The tension reached its limit in 1975 when a radical Christian group attacked a bus full of Palestinians and killed them. After this incident, some vengeful attacks were made as a respond for the Christians actions which led to more hate and no trust at all between Muslims and the other group. After seven years, exactly in 1985 The Israeli army invaded Beirut to remove the Palestinians Liberation Organization as they said. All those wars and conflicts and wars in the city and in the country in general led to very serious and sad results. Between 150-200 thousand people were killed while 300 thousand were wounded, that goes for the human cost but as for the economic cost was very heavy and it actually was paralyzed for many years which stroke hard to the whole country. The peace has finally come in 1989 which put off the furious flames of war. In the recent days, Lebanon began to recover from that savagery conflict which led to nothing but destruction and sadness. People came back to their homes after they left it because of the war. The buildings which were affected by the conflict are restored by the help of some other countries. The most important thing that tourism is finally revived and people now can enjoy everything in Beirut after the horror the city lived in the past several years. Tourists can relax and enjoy Skiing on the mountains, taking sunbath on the beach and also swim in the blue sea.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Address by Marga Minco
Analysis of a Key Passage The Address by Marga Minco In The Address by Marga Minco, the author suggests that people do not realize what they take for granted until they do not have them anymore. In the excerpt, the narrator is in a house with all her possessions, and the daughter of the woman who took all these possessions has no idea what is going on. Long ago, the narrator’s mother had given all her worldly possessions to a strange lady, who always took everything away with a look of greed.The narrator has come to the house with all the possessions, and it suddenly hits her that all her memories are just through the doorway. When she enters, she sees all of her possessions, â€Å"in a room which I both knew and didn’t know†. This one simple line describes how she feels, how though all her memories are in the room, they are not place in the right spot, as if the chronological placement was off, and all her memories are mixed up. I found myself among things I had wanted to see again but which oppressed me in the strange surroundings†describes her confusion, because though everything looked normal, (similar to the way she acts as if nothing is happening) it’s the inside story of every object that is scaring her; how it has her memories imprinted in it, and yet, they are not there anymore, because this is not her house, and she does not own any of this anymore.I scarcely dared to look around me anymore†symbolizes her fright of looking at everything she had and lost, and now they do not belong to her, though she has a slight longing for them in order to have a sense of normality. â€Å"Somewhere on the edge there should be a burn hole in which had never been repaired†this line, when read closely, depicts the hole as a sort of ledge, where her mind is clinging onto, so she may find some familiar feeling in all this strangeness. It also depicts a large bottomless pit, where she wants to throw all the bad feelings and memories away, throw them deep into this hole.The daughter does not notice anything wrong, because she is like a newborn baby: she does not know where any of this comes from, but she does not question it, because she has been raised with these objects. But she is also the opposite of her mother; while her mother stole all the possessions without a worry or a care, she is sweeter, gentler. The daughter is innocent and unknowing of what happened, while the mother is guilty and knows exactly why the narrator is here. When prompted, she (the daughter) talks of how everything in the room is nothing important, how they are all antiques and nothing special.But the narrator then offers a retort of passion and sadness â€Å"you get used to all these beautiful things at home, you hardly look at them anymore. You only nothice when something is not there, because it has to be repaired, or for example, because you’ve lent it to someone†. This small speech shows how she never thoug ht of these possessions and memories as important, but now that they are not with her anymore, now that she knows she cannot take them all back, she feels they describe her life. But it is too late.Near the end of the excerpt, the narrator mentions how, when she was younger, she thought her cutlery was made from silver, but never really thought of it. The daughter laughs, but when she goes to check her own cutlery, the narrator rushes out, to â€Å"forget the address†and everything she ever remembered. This is because she wants to leave every memory she had behind, to start anew. It is her sudden realization that she does not possess these memories anymore that causes her to change and force herself to forget everything from the past.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Key Components Of Customer Service - 1124 Words
Question One Research at least two tourism or travel texts and identify five key components of customer service to the New Zealand tourism or travel industry. There are many ways for one to show good customer service and as said by Collier (2011), good customer service is essential. Collier mentions that meeting and exceeding customer expectations is the way to good customer service. To give good customer service, key methods would be being consistent and continuous with work ethic and attitude, and constantly doing this. Being thoughtful too not only customers, but other colleges are a key component as well as availability to customers. This is important as customers need to feel as if you are willing and able to provide your service. Punctuality and grooming are also mentioned as critical elements as it is how you present yourself to customers. Colliers skills and qualities mentioned replicate the five key components of customer service said by the SERVQUAL service measuring system (Parasuraman, Zeithaml Berry 1988). The first component is tangible, meaning the staff should have a tidy appearance, and all facilities should be clean and presented well. Reliability is also a key component, customers should be able to trust the staff members to do the correct job without fail. Responsiveness is also important, meaning the staff member being prepared and eager to help the customer s and do it knowing that the customer is their number one priority. Staff members need toShow MoreRelatedDetermining The Final Marketing Mix1299 Words  | 6 Pagesthe research that you completed in BSBMKG501B to complete this question. required or preferred products/services: preferred price point: preferred method of payment: How will consumer priorities, needs and preference impact on the marketing mix selected? 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