Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Racial Inequality And Discrimination Of Child Welfare
I. Conceptualize Framework Racial disproportionality and disparity in child welfare represents a complex phenomenon emanating from historical theoretical socioeconomic and policy trends that has shaped this service over the past several decades. There are many theories that have been proposed explain why racial disproportionality and disparity exists in child welfare. It has been recognized the underlying roots of racial disproportionality and disparity are complex and often coexists. Racial disproportionate in child welfare will be the focus of this research. I will focus on is Racial Bias and Discrimination of child welfare agencies, particularly the child protective services. The literature suggest the one of the reason for over representation of minority(colored) children in child welfare results from the different treatment of race or racial bias (attitudinal dimension) an discrimination (behavioral dimension) (mortion, 1999; Roberts, 2002). This theory also suggests, this treatment can be external or internal in the welfare system; however I will focus only on the implication of internal welfare agencies (i.e. child protective specialist). Child protective specialists’ culture and policies may lead to inequitable treatment of families of color. CPS workers may have biases towards families of color which could affect the decision making at any point of the investigation. This may not have occurred intentionally by the worker however due to institutional racism whichShow MoreRelatedSummary Of Lawrence Hills The Illegal707 Words  | 3 Pagesthe harsh reality of life and to mature. The protagonists Keita and Viola struggle through several obst acles such as discrimination, identity loss, and abuse; however, through these life experiences they gain insight into the true reality of life which results in them maturing. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Social Stratification And Economic Placement - 1339 Words
Each year millions of babies are born into families, not yet knowing what their lives will bring. Babies are born as male or female, as well as transgendered, bisexual, gay and lesbian. All are born into different racial and ethnic backgrounds, some of which are White, African, Asian, Hispanic, Chinese and many more. Born into class or cast systems unknowing of the challenges yet to come and the stratifications they will face. No matter which factors these babies may be born into, each and every one will face some sort of stratification and inequality based on their society, and the way they are raised with in it. Sexual orientation is just one factor of inequality in our culture, and I will discuss here how it effects job†¦show more content†¦This theory looks deeper at a personal level of the way one views their self-worth and position in society (Macionis, 2015). Social stratification is the way in which our society places people into categories based on certain principles. Principles such as social position in a society, and class standing. It’s based on a hierarchy of what one has and of inequalities, in addition to beliefs represented with in that society. Social inequalities stem from what a group of people believes to make themselves different from others and set apart. These inequalities give certain people more power than others, while setting them off as being unequal’s. We see these inequalities in all aspects of our culture, from wealth and occupation, to race and gender. Sexual orientation outside of the norm is a large bases of inequality in our culture, leaving people debating whether to reveal their sexual preferences especially in the work place (Macionis, 2015, p 246-251). Sexual orientation is a state of mind based on romantic and emotional attraction to another person. The norm with in our society is heterosex uality, being attracted to the opposite sex, however, for some this may not be their preference. Sexual orientation can also be seen as homosexual, bisexual and asexual also known as the lesbian, gay and bisexual community, (LGB). Sexual orientation becomes a factor with job stratification and the economy when we start talking about those who fall outside of
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Market Research on Radio Listening Essay Example For Students
Market Research on Radio Listening Essay IntroductionMusic is a general love of almost every college student. Many develop their personalities, profiles, and various other tastes based on their listening choices. In general, many college students acquire the same spectrum of listening values. If a radio station, one that wishes to target the college student population, can discover the musical preferences of the general population of students, they will be able to grow within the specific market. Since the target market is of a personality of the student, generally a crowd that has the same likes and dislikes as his/her peers; the target musical format should be fairly easy to determine. Unlike the 25-33 crowd or 40 and up crowd, where their musical preferences range far and wide, each college student has almost the same understanding of their values. Possible reasons for this may be peer pressure or self-morale gains, yet it still exists among the college crowd. Thus, a common format may be simpler for a station targeting the college format. The station will be able to gain knowledge for its possible advertisers by analyzing its target populations needs and wants. Plus, they will be able to acknowledge the possible locations of the students, where they go and what they do. The ultimate goal is to find out where the students are spending their money, so advertising can be solicited into purchasing radio time. Advertisers wish to have some concrete data when analyzing which station they wish to spend their money on through airtime. The purpose of this study is to give the possible clients the facts placed in front of them as well as educate them as to where our target is going and the possibilities of gathering our target audience to their place of business. Consumer behavior will come into play in the study, since part of the goal is to gather information on the needs and wants of the consumer, or radio listener. Analysis of behavior is more difficult to determine, because the data collected is based on values and personal judgment. Little data collected will be concrete, since the student will be revealing based on opinions, not facts. However, opinions sometimes hold strong enough to reach a borderline to fact. Scope of the StudyThe study was a descriptive design with an emphasis on the listening preferences of college students. Data was acquired as to which brand of music, or radio format, is most appealing to college students, such as alternative, rock, country, RB, etc. Also, data was collected regarding the basic needs of the students as well as the distances they wished to travel to acquire their needs. Other gatherings included the desired radio format, amount of interest in the radio, impact of personalities, and several shopping tastes the student has. Analysis of the location of the target, how often they listen to the radio, what time they listened to the radio, and traveling distance, both overall and for necessities, were acquired to gain a general knowledge of the target market. Methods UsedThe main source of the study was through conducting a survey. A survey was offered randomly to college students on the campus of the University of Nevada-Reno. The sampling was nonprobability-random, because of the nature of the issuance of the surveys. However, coverage was broad, because the survey was issued to students ranging from freshman to senior. After the survey was conducted, a total of 57 surveys were collected. The information from the surveys included questions such as their listening preferences, time of day they listen to the radio, amount of time spent listening to the radio, and where they spend the most amount of time listening to the radio, such as in their car, at home, at work, or at school.Next, students were asked several questions in regards to their favorite radio formats. Such questions included were their favorite morning show, type of morning show they most desire, and how much of an impact the radio personality, or disc jockey, placed on the student. These questions were used to determine the students tastes in format as well as how much of an impact the format places on them. Also, demographics of the students, age, marital status, gender, and ethnicity, were collected. The data collected will help determine a possible correlation between the student and the other categorical questions. Another important factor placed on the survey was the location of the student. If one can determine the general concentrated population area of most students, they will be able to determine the possible advertising companies to target. Along with location, questions were asked to determine how far a student travels when they purchase their everyday needs, like groceries, food (dining), clothing, and gasoline. Another item collected was the students interests in participating in promotions and contests. Along with the students interests in promotions, they were asked to see how far students would travel to participate in radio promotions. This information is mostly useful to persuade potential advertisers, where the station will be able to determine the target locations of the students. If there shows a concentration of student population in a certain area and they travel to primarily the same areas, endorsements will be extremely beneficial in the target locations. Another category u sed was to show how the students spend their money. Do they spend it mostly on electronics, clothing, technology, sporting goods, home furnishings, entertainment, or some other goods?Secondary data was used as a back up to the survey. Since the survey was involving a small portion of the population, some data may be skewed. The secondary data was used as a form of a guide to the survey results. It was there to ensure that the student population was represented, even with a small sample. Forms of secondary data used included journals, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, and other online databases. The Dark Web EssayNext, data based on students personal tastes was collected. They were asked what they spent the majority of their money on and given the following categories to choose from: electronics, clothing, technological, sporting goods, home furnishings, and entertainment. The data showed:Y Electronics-42.1%Y Clothing-73.7%Y Technological10.5%Y Sporting Goods26.3%Y Home Furnishings50.9%Y Entertainment33.3%The majority of tastes for students showed up in clothing, with home furnishings, electronics, and entertainment receiving very capable results. DistancesThe distances students were willing to travel were taken next. They were asked their usual driving distances to gather groceries, dining, clothing, and gasoline. Also, they were asked how far they were willing to drive to attend a radio promotion. Categories were divided into 0-1 miles, 1-3 miles, 3-5 miles, and over 5 miles. The statistics show that:Y Groceries-0-1mi: 24.6%, 1-3mi: 45.6%, 3-5mi: 15.8%, 5+mi: 14.0%Y Dining-0-1mi:5.3%, 1-3mi: 38.6%, 3-5mi: 24.6%, 5+mi: 31.6%Y Clothing-0-1mi:1.8%, 1-3mi: 22.8%, 3-5mi: 22.8%, 5+mi: 52.6%Y Gas-0-1mi: 33.3%, 1-3mi: 36.8%, 3-5mi: 12.3%, 5+mi: 17.5%Y Radio Promotion0-1mi: 21.1%, 1-3mi: 24.6%, 3-5mi: 22.8%, 5+mi: 31.6%The average distances for the students were also calculated. Students averaged 3.25 miles to get groceries, 4.33 miles to dine, 5.00 miles to purchase clothing, 3.11 miles to get gas. Also, they were willing to travel 3.98 miles to attend a radio promotion. RecommendationsTarget FormatThe music format of choice would be to do a variety of alternative and rock music. RB would be a good choice, too, but the variety would be too wide for the tastes of the college students. Alternative music and rock is somewhat similar, yet it still has some variety to it, which is something that the survey showed. Also, the morning format must be focused upon more than the other times of the day. The most drastic statistic revealed from the survey was the amount of listening from college students in the morning hours, from 5 to 11am. Thus, the station should analyze this part of the day more carefully than any other part. From the survey, it was revealed that students mostly preferred a morning format with no talk and all music. Also, several of them were influenced by the disc jockey used. This should be considered deeply when drawing a conclusion to the format. In my opinion, I feel that the station should go with a mostly music with little talk show format. The disc jockeys should have a comic appeal, though. The ultimate goal is to please the majority, and there is a happy medium between an all-comedy format and an all-music format. Yet, the station must be careful in regards to its amount of talk and music played. Target LocationMany of the students, reside In Northern or Northwest Reno. An emphasis should be placed on this area, with a radius of approximately 4 miles, since students are willing to travel this far for a promotion. Target AdvertisementsThe station should highly emphasize its advertising on the clothing industry. Many students spend the majority of their money on clothing, and they are willing to drive longer distances than usual to acquire it. This is the perfect appeal for advertisers. Many will be able to conduct promotions because of the larger radius presented to clothing, 5 miles versus 4 miles. Other areas they should target would be home furnishings, electronics, and entertainment. These categories, although incomparable to clothings demand, are still areas with a great concentration of the students funding. In conclusion, the results show that:Format-Alternative, RockTarget Time-MorningMorning Format-Music With Little or No TalkTarget Area-North Reno, Northwest RenoEstimated Radius-4 MilesPlay List-Wide VarietyTarget AdvertisingClothing, Electronics, Home Furnishings, Entertainment
Sunday, December 1, 2019
William Tecumseh Sherman Was Born On May 8, 1820 In Lancaster, Essays
William Tecumseh Sherman was born on May 8, 1820 in Lancaster, Ohio. He was educated at the U.S. Military Academy and later went on to become a Union General in the U.S. civil war. Sherman resigned from the army in 1853 and became a partner in a banking firm in San Francisco. He became the president of the Military College in Louisiana(now Louisiana state University) from 1859-1861. Sherman offered his services at the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 and was put in command of a volunteer infantry regiment, becoming a brigadier general of volunteers after the first Battle of bull run. He led his division at the Battle of Shiloh and was then promoted to major general of volunteers. Soon after Sherman fought in the battle of Chattanooga he was made supreme commander of the armies in the west. Sherman fought many battles with such people as Ulysses S. Grant, and against people such as Robert E. Lee before he was commissioned lieutenant general of the regular army. Following Grants election to presidency he was promoted to the rank of full general and given command of the entire U.S. Army. William Sherman published his personal memoirs in 1875, retired in 1883, and died in 1891. William Tecumseh Sherman, as you have read, was a very talented and very successful man. He is remembered by many accomplishments, but probably most remembered by his famous March to the sea. Sherman's march to the sea was probably the most celebrated military action, in which about sixty thousand men marched with Sherman from Atlanta to the Atlantic ocean, then north through South Carolina destroying the last of the souths economic resources. Bedford Forrest was in Tennessee, and with Atlanta secured, Sherman dispatched George H. Thomas to Nashville to restore the order there. John B. Hood threatened Thomas's supply line, and for about a month, they both fought north of Atlanta. Sherman decided to do the complete opposite of what the strategic plan laid down by Grant six months earlier had proposed to do. In that plan Grant had insisted that Confederate armies were the first and foremost objectives for Union strategy. What Sherman decided now was that he would completely ignore the Confederate armies and go for the "spirit that sustained the Confederate nation itself", the homes, the property, the families, and the food of the Southern heartland. He would march for Savannah, Georgia and the seacoast, abandoning his own line of supply, and live off the land and harvests of the Georgia Country. Grant finally approved Sherman's plan, so Sherman set off on his march eastward, "smashing things to the sea." On November 15, 1864, Sherman began his march to the sea. "I can make . . . Georgia howl!" he promised. Sherman left Atlanta, setting it up in flames as they left, with 62,000 men, 55,000 of them on foot, 5,000 on cavalry horses, and about 2,000 riding artillery horses. It was an army of 218 regiments, 184 of them from the West, and of these 155 were from the old Northwest Territory. This army was remembered as a lean and strong one. The bulk of the army was made up of Germans, Irish, Scotch, and English. Sherman and his army arrived in Georgia where there was no opposition, and the march was very leisurely. The army fanned out widely, covering a sixty mile span from one side to the other. The army destroyed, demolished and crushed whatever got in their way, the land, homes, buildings, and people. Bridges, railroads, machine shops, warehouses- anything of this nature that was in Shaman's path was burned and destroyed. As a result of this march eliminating a lot of the food to feed the Confederate army and its animals, the whole Confederate war effort would become weaker and weaker and weaker. Sherman went on toward the sea while the Confederacy could do nothing. Sherman's march to the sea was a demonstration that the Confederacy could not protect its own. Many agree that Sherman was too brutal and cruel during the march to the sea, but Sherman and his men were effectively demolishing the Confederate homeland, and that was all that mattered to Sherman. Because Sherman "waged an economic war against civilians", he has been called the first modern general. Sherman is remembered by some as one of the best generals of the U.S. Civil War, and by others(mainly whom live in the south) as a cruel, brutal, horrible, and evil man. William Tecumseh Sherman is believed to have coined the phrase, "War is hell." "There is many a boy here who looks
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