Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Racial Inequality And Discrimination Of Child Welfare
I. Conceptualize Framework Racial disproportionality and disparity in child welfare represents a complex phenomenon emanating from historical theoretical socioeconomic and policy trends that has shaped this service over the past several decades. There are many theories that have been proposed explain why racial disproportionality and disparity exists in child welfare. It has been recognized the underlying roots of racial disproportionality and disparity are complex and often coexists. Racial disproportionate in child welfare will be the focus of this research. I will focus on is Racial Bias and Discrimination of child welfare agencies, particularly the child protective services. The literature suggest the one of the reason for over representation of minority(colored) children in child welfare results from the different treatment of race or racial bias (attitudinal dimension) an discrimination (behavioral dimension) (mortion, 1999; Roberts, 2002). This theory also suggests, this treatment can be external or internal in the welfare system; however I will focus only on the implication of internal welfare agencies (i.e. child protective specialist). Child protective specialists’ culture and policies may lead to inequitable treatment of families of color. CPS workers may have biases towards families of color which could affect the decision making at any point of the investigation. This may not have occurred intentionally by the worker however due to institutional racism whichShow MoreRelatedSummary Of Lawrence Hills The Illegal707 Words  | 3 Pagesthe harsh reality of life and to mature. The protagonists Keita and Viola struggle through several obst acles such as discrimination, identity loss, and abuse; however, through these life experiences they gain insight into the true reality of life which results in them maturing. 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The reality of the matter was that most welfare recipients experiencedRead MoreWhy Minorities Are Being Treated As Criminals By Police And The Justice System Based On Ethnic Background1528 Words  | 7 PagesCorrectional Services: Aboriginals being 23% of incarcerated offenders and Black people being 9% (Griffiths Murdoch, 2014). The critical analysis of crime and criminal justice as social constructs uphold social, racial, political and economic inequalities. The injurious behaviours of the poor and racial minorities are more likely to be depicted as criminals rather than the actions of the rich and powerful. Using pluralist theories, this essay will examine how minorities are being treated as criminals byRead MoreThe Endangered And Endangered Species : Diversity1685 Words  | 7 PagesNevertheless, despite this increasing recognition and celebration of the countless advantages that racial diversity has brought to our day-to-day life, the emotional and psychological wellbeing for individuals of different racial groups is very often being overlooked by our society. 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The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution guaranteed every citizen equality before the law. Choosing an individual based solely on race is not just. By doing so, a larger problem has emerged. The hiring requirements of affirmative action have caused the white male to become a minority because they cannot be hired until enough minorities are hired. Racial discriminatio n has been a majorRead MoreRacism: A Social Problem Essay1716 Words  | 7 Pagesfoundations of these explanations are based on the common misunderstanding of the definition of race. Thus, problems that tend to concentrate in one race are mistakenly judged as â€Å"race problems†. This judgement leads to the establishment of a system of inequality between a superior race and inferior races. However, the logic behind these explanations don’t account for the true reasoning behind minority individuals value status. 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Revoyr’s features various historical references were taking place in Los Angeles’s past related to racial issues and uses some character interactions to drive these points home. Frank Sakai and Curtis Martin are two main characters whose life is prompted by the racism in the Los Angeles neighborhoods. Stylistically, Revoyr’s deliberate
Monday, December 16, 2019
Social Stratification And Economic Placement - 1339 Words
Each year millions of babies are born into families, not yet knowing what their lives will bring. Babies are born as male or female, as well as transgendered, bisexual, gay and lesbian. All are born into different racial and ethnic backgrounds, some of which are White, African, Asian, Hispanic, Chinese and many more. Born into class or cast systems unknowing of the challenges yet to come and the stratifications they will face. No matter which factors these babies may be born into, each and every one will face some sort of stratification and inequality based on their society, and the way they are raised with in it. Sexual orientation is just one factor of inequality in our culture, and I will discuss here how it effects job†¦show more content†¦This theory looks deeper at a personal level of the way one views their self-worth and position in society (Macionis, 2015). Social stratification is the way in which our society places people into categories based on certain principles. Principles such as social position in a society, and class standing. It’s based on a hierarchy of what one has and of inequalities, in addition to beliefs represented with in that society. Social inequalities stem from what a group of people believes to make themselves different from others and set apart. These inequalities give certain people more power than others, while setting them off as being unequal’s. We see these inequalities in all aspects of our culture, from wealth and occupation, to race and gender. Sexual orientation outside of the norm is a large bases of inequality in our culture, leaving people debating whether to reveal their sexual preferences especially in the work place (Macionis, 2015, p 246-251). Sexual orientation is a state of mind based on romantic and emotional attraction to another person. The norm with in our society is heterosex uality, being attracted to the opposite sex, however, for some this may not be their preference. Sexual orientation can also be seen as homosexual, bisexual and asexual also known as the lesbian, gay and bisexual community, (LGB). Sexual orientation becomes a factor with job stratification and the economy when we start talking about those who fall outside of
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Market Research on Radio Listening Essay Example For Students
Market Research on Radio Listening Essay IntroductionMusic is a general love of almost every college student. Many develop their personalities, profiles, and various other tastes based on their listening choices. In general, many college students acquire the same spectrum of listening values. If a radio station, one that wishes to target the college student population, can discover the musical preferences of the general population of students, they will be able to grow within the specific market. Since the target market is of a personality of the student, generally a crowd that has the same likes and dislikes as his/her peers; the target musical format should be fairly easy to determine. Unlike the 25-33 crowd or 40 and up crowd, where their musical preferences range far and wide, each college student has almost the same understanding of their values. Possible reasons for this may be peer pressure or self-morale gains, yet it still exists among the college crowd. Thus, a common format may be simpler for a station targeting the college format. The station will be able to gain knowledge for its possible advertisers by analyzing its target populations needs and wants. Plus, they will be able to acknowledge the possible locations of the students, where they go and what they do. The ultimate goal is to find out where the students are spending their money, so advertising can be solicited into purchasing radio time. Advertisers wish to have some concrete data when analyzing which station they wish to spend their money on through airtime. The purpose of this study is to give the possible clients the facts placed in front of them as well as educate them as to where our target is going and the possibilities of gathering our target audience to their place of business. Consumer behavior will come into play in the study, since part of the goal is to gather information on the needs and wants of the consumer, or radio listener. Analysis of behavior is more difficult to determine, because the data collected is based on values and personal judgment. Little data collected will be concrete, since the student will be revealing based on opinions, not facts. However, opinions sometimes hold strong enough to reach a borderline to fact. Scope of the StudyThe study was a descriptive design with an emphasis on the listening preferences of college students. Data was acquired as to which brand of music, or radio format, is most appealing to college students, such as alternative, rock, country, RB, etc. Also, data was collected regarding the basic needs of the students as well as the distances they wished to travel to acquire their needs. Other gatherings included the desired radio format, amount of interest in the radio, impact of personalities, and several shopping tastes the student has. Analysis of the location of the target, how often they listen to the radio, what time they listened to the radio, and traveling distance, both overall and for necessities, were acquired to gain a general knowledge of the target market. Methods UsedThe main source of the study was through conducting a survey. A survey was offered randomly to college students on the campus of the University of Nevada-Reno. The sampling was nonprobability-random, because of the nature of the issuance of the surveys. However, coverage was broad, because the survey was issued to students ranging from freshman to senior. After the survey was conducted, a total of 57 surveys were collected. The information from the surveys included questions such as their listening preferences, time of day they listen to the radio, amount of time spent listening to the radio, and where they spend the most amount of time listening to the radio, such as in their car, at home, at work, or at school.Next, students were asked several questions in regards to their favorite radio formats. Such questions included were their favorite morning show, type of morning show they most desire, and how much of an impact the radio personality, or disc jockey, placed on the student. These questions were used to determine the students tastes in format as well as how much of an impact the format places on them. Also, demographics of the students, age, marital status, gender, and ethnicity, were collected. The data collected will help determine a possible correlation between the student and the other categorical questions. Another important factor placed on the survey was the location of the student. If one can determine the general concentrated population area of most students, they will be able to determine the possible advertising companies to target. Along with location, questions were asked to determine how far a student travels when they purchase their everyday needs, like groceries, food (dining), clothing, and gasoline. Another item collected was the students interests in participating in promotions and contests. Along with the students interests in promotions, they were asked to see how far students would travel to participate in radio promotions. This information is mostly useful to persuade potential advertisers, where the station will be able to determine the target locations of the students. If there shows a concentration of student population in a certain area and they travel to primarily the same areas, endorsements will be extremely beneficial in the target locations. Another category u sed was to show how the students spend their money. Do they spend it mostly on electronics, clothing, technology, sporting goods, home furnishings, entertainment, or some other goods?Secondary data was used as a back up to the survey. Since the survey was involving a small portion of the population, some data may be skewed. The secondary data was used as a form of a guide to the survey results. It was there to ensure that the student population was represented, even with a small sample. Forms of secondary data used included journals, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, and other online databases. The Dark Web EssayNext, data based on students personal tastes was collected. They were asked what they spent the majority of their money on and given the following categories to choose from: electronics, clothing, technological, sporting goods, home furnishings, and entertainment. The data showed:Y Electronics-42.1%Y Clothing-73.7%Y Technological10.5%Y Sporting Goods26.3%Y Home Furnishings50.9%Y Entertainment33.3%The majority of tastes for students showed up in clothing, with home furnishings, electronics, and entertainment receiving very capable results. DistancesThe distances students were willing to travel were taken next. They were asked their usual driving distances to gather groceries, dining, clothing, and gasoline. Also, they were asked how far they were willing to drive to attend a radio promotion. Categories were divided into 0-1 miles, 1-3 miles, 3-5 miles, and over 5 miles. The statistics show that:Y Groceries-0-1mi: 24.6%, 1-3mi: 45.6%, 3-5mi: 15.8%, 5+mi: 14.0%Y Dining-0-1mi:5.3%, 1-3mi: 38.6%, 3-5mi: 24.6%, 5+mi: 31.6%Y Clothing-0-1mi:1.8%, 1-3mi: 22.8%, 3-5mi: 22.8%, 5+mi: 52.6%Y Gas-0-1mi: 33.3%, 1-3mi: 36.8%, 3-5mi: 12.3%, 5+mi: 17.5%Y Radio Promotion0-1mi: 21.1%, 1-3mi: 24.6%, 3-5mi: 22.8%, 5+mi: 31.6%The average distances for the students were also calculated. Students averaged 3.25 miles to get groceries, 4.33 miles to dine, 5.00 miles to purchase clothing, 3.11 miles to get gas. Also, they were willing to travel 3.98 miles to attend a radio promotion. RecommendationsTarget FormatThe music format of choice would be to do a variety of alternative and rock music. RB would be a good choice, too, but the variety would be too wide for the tastes of the college students. Alternative music and rock is somewhat similar, yet it still has some variety to it, which is something that the survey showed. Also, the morning format must be focused upon more than the other times of the day. The most drastic statistic revealed from the survey was the amount of listening from college students in the morning hours, from 5 to 11am. Thus, the station should analyze this part of the day more carefully than any other part. From the survey, it was revealed that students mostly preferred a morning format with no talk and all music. Also, several of them were influenced by the disc jockey used. This should be considered deeply when drawing a conclusion to the format. In my opinion, I feel that the station should go with a mostly music with little talk show format. The disc jockeys should have a comic appeal, though. The ultimate goal is to please the majority, and there is a happy medium between an all-comedy format and an all-music format. Yet, the station must be careful in regards to its amount of talk and music played. Target LocationMany of the students, reside In Northern or Northwest Reno. An emphasis should be placed on this area, with a radius of approximately 4 miles, since students are willing to travel this far for a promotion. Target AdvertisementsThe station should highly emphasize its advertising on the clothing industry. Many students spend the majority of their money on clothing, and they are willing to drive longer distances than usual to acquire it. This is the perfect appeal for advertisers. Many will be able to conduct promotions because of the larger radius presented to clothing, 5 miles versus 4 miles. Other areas they should target would be home furnishings, electronics, and entertainment. These categories, although incomparable to clothings demand, are still areas with a great concentration of the students funding. In conclusion, the results show that:Format-Alternative, RockTarget Time-MorningMorning Format-Music With Little or No TalkTarget Area-North Reno, Northwest RenoEstimated Radius-4 MilesPlay List-Wide VarietyTarget AdvertisingClothing, Electronics, Home Furnishings, Entertainment
Sunday, December 1, 2019
William Tecumseh Sherman Was Born On May 8, 1820 In Lancaster, Essays
William Tecumseh Sherman was born on May 8, 1820 in Lancaster, Ohio. He was educated at the U.S. Military Academy and later went on to become a Union General in the U.S. civil war. Sherman resigned from the army in 1853 and became a partner in a banking firm in San Francisco. He became the president of the Military College in Louisiana(now Louisiana state University) from 1859-1861. Sherman offered his services at the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 and was put in command of a volunteer infantry regiment, becoming a brigadier general of volunteers after the first Battle of bull run. He led his division at the Battle of Shiloh and was then promoted to major general of volunteers. Soon after Sherman fought in the battle of Chattanooga he was made supreme commander of the armies in the west. Sherman fought many battles with such people as Ulysses S. Grant, and against people such as Robert E. Lee before he was commissioned lieutenant general of the regular army. Following Grants election to presidency he was promoted to the rank of full general and given command of the entire U.S. Army. William Sherman published his personal memoirs in 1875, retired in 1883, and died in 1891. William Tecumseh Sherman, as you have read, was a very talented and very successful man. He is remembered by many accomplishments, but probably most remembered by his famous March to the sea. Sherman's march to the sea was probably the most celebrated military action, in which about sixty thousand men marched with Sherman from Atlanta to the Atlantic ocean, then north through South Carolina destroying the last of the souths economic resources. Bedford Forrest was in Tennessee, and with Atlanta secured, Sherman dispatched George H. Thomas to Nashville to restore the order there. John B. Hood threatened Thomas's supply line, and for about a month, they both fought north of Atlanta. Sherman decided to do the complete opposite of what the strategic plan laid down by Grant six months earlier had proposed to do. In that plan Grant had insisted that Confederate armies were the first and foremost objectives for Union strategy. What Sherman decided now was that he would completely ignore the Confederate armies and go for the "spirit that sustained the Confederate nation itself", the homes, the property, the families, and the food of the Southern heartland. He would march for Savannah, Georgia and the seacoast, abandoning his own line of supply, and live off the land and harvests of the Georgia Country. Grant finally approved Sherman's plan, so Sherman set off on his march eastward, "smashing things to the sea." On November 15, 1864, Sherman began his march to the sea. "I can make . . . Georgia howl!" he promised. Sherman left Atlanta, setting it up in flames as they left, with 62,000 men, 55,000 of them on foot, 5,000 on cavalry horses, and about 2,000 riding artillery horses. It was an army of 218 regiments, 184 of them from the West, and of these 155 were from the old Northwest Territory. This army was remembered as a lean and strong one. The bulk of the army was made up of Germans, Irish, Scotch, and English. Sherman and his army arrived in Georgia where there was no opposition, and the march was very leisurely. The army fanned out widely, covering a sixty mile span from one side to the other. The army destroyed, demolished and crushed whatever got in their way, the land, homes, buildings, and people. Bridges, railroads, machine shops, warehouses- anything of this nature that was in Shaman's path was burned and destroyed. As a result of this march eliminating a lot of the food to feed the Confederate army and its animals, the whole Confederate war effort would become weaker and weaker and weaker. Sherman went on toward the sea while the Confederacy could do nothing. Sherman's march to the sea was a demonstration that the Confederacy could not protect its own. Many agree that Sherman was too brutal and cruel during the march to the sea, but Sherman and his men were effectively demolishing the Confederate homeland, and that was all that mattered to Sherman. Because Sherman "waged an economic war against civilians", he has been called the first modern general. Sherman is remembered by some as one of the best generals of the U.S. Civil War, and by others(mainly whom live in the south) as a cruel, brutal, horrible, and evil man. William Tecumseh Sherman is believed to have coined the phrase, "War is hell." "There is many a boy here who looks
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Event Management Of Rio Carnival Festival Tourism Essay Essays
Event Management Of Rio Carnival Festival Tourism Essay Essays Event Management Of Rio Carnival Festival Tourism Essay Paper Event Management Of Rio Carnival Festival Tourism Essay Paper Introduction: The event selected in order to finish this piece of work is the Rio Carnival. This is one of the celebrated festivals and it is held before Lent and it is known as one of the biggest festival where the participant populace is more than two million in Numberss each twenty-four hours. The festival is one of the oldest 1 every bit good. Before traveling in to farther item of the event and covering the subject as of different required angles the research worker will give a brief history about event direction and the progresss which has taken topographic point with the transition of clip and debut of latest engineerings. ( Getz, 2007 ) Life is full events that are non merely interesting but full of attractive forces and escapade for the populace. There has been a batch said and discussed and largely one might happen finishs under enormous force per unit area as they are non certain how to cover by agencies of these events and salvage them as of going a touristic merchandise. In the yesteryear, major events have been victim of different unwanted actions which has non merely spoiled the image of the finish but in add-on the celebrity of the event has been affected to a great extent. In the present universe where engineering through media has covered all the amusement facets for public and public can bask the event as of the parturiency of their place merely by sitting in forepart of their telecasting sets, still the existent joy is for unrecorded amusement as public want to take part and be portion of the colourful environment which can non be captured or experienced through telecasting no affair how good they are ca ptured. A superior quotable Event Management method offers an organisation with the aptitude to feel Events, acknowledge them, and so take on a suited control disturbance or action to avoid an happening and/or service break. Suitable activities or behaviors can consist of an action to let go of an event or to follow an event. Well-organized service processs base on the timely handling of the several activities indispensable to avoid confrontations and service outages. ( Reisinger, 2009 ) As Event Management offers the capableness to feel incidents before clip, an association can configure engineering to prolong an Event Management process to trip an event after it has been automatically noticed and be automatically allocated to the suited resolver cabal for action before any definite service break or outage happens. Using engineering to prolong an Event Management process makes it likely for a few activities to be observed by freedom which can help eliminate the demand for dearly-won and supply concentrated existent clip monitoring , whereas at the similar clip, dropping inaccessibility or down clip. Inside Event Management there are some altered sorts of events to manage which include: Normal Operation Events: These sorts of events can consist an automatic proclamation that a planned work load occupation has ended as usual or a consumer has logged into an contraption that they had the right point of admittance to, or an electronic mail has attained an awaited receiving system. Standard procedure events are important to detect since they might stand for a breach of policy or non observation to a development. ( Richards et al. , 2010 ) Exception Events: These sorts of events might consist user enterprises to entree an application with an incorrect watchword excessively many times or, a device s CPU is above an acceptable use rate or a Personal computer scan reveals the installing of improper package. ( Reisinger, 2009 ) Unusual Events: These sorts of events typically represent something unexpected and necessitate immediate notice such as server memory use within 5 % of the highest expected public presentation degree, or the decision clip of a dealing 10 % longer than normal. The cardinal point with any of these event sorts is that instant action should happen in order to either raise an incident record or a dismiss and log of the event for farther monitoring and trending. The Benefits of Event Management: By officially using these cardinal activities of an Event Management class, organisations are able to augment effectual efficiencies by going more practical at pull offing operations that cognition mistakes and service outages. In today s multifaceted IT environments, the grade of informations being produced on a day-to-day footing can be resistless plus unmanageable devoid of controlled and quotable procedures and the engineering to back up those procedures. Millions of trade s trades that rely on IT prop up are conducted every twenty-four hours. Devoid of an accepting of critical concern procedures, pull offing events turns out to be an unproductive best conjecture enterprise. ( Getz, 2007 ) An lineation of what the festival/event is: The carnival held one time a twelvemonth in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil is the for the most portion well-known party in the universe, turning year-on-year and pulling 100s of 1000s of foreign every bit good as national tourers. In the hebdomad about festival 80 % of the annual ingestion of beer is intoxicated plus 70 % of the annual tourer net incomes are composed, doubtless demoing the significance of the event cheaply? To Brazilians festival and dancing are every bit important as football, which is truly stating something! A The roots of festival: The name carnival comes as of the Latin word carnelevare intending abstention as of the feeding of meat and domestic fowl. Carnival hebdomad is held to hold by agencies of the start of the Roman Catholic period of Lent, 40 yearss prior to Easter. Lent is conventionally a period of abstention, supplication and self-evaluation for Christians and represents the 40 yearss that the Bible tells us Jesus spent in the desert defying the enticements of Satan. As the day of the months for Easter vary each twelvemonth so do those for the chief carnival weekend. There are several parades and parties by plus following the chief labeled events in the Sambodromo, some of which are free plus held in the street in assorted territories about the metropolis or as pattern weekends in the cardinal site itself. ( Dunne L et al. , 2002 ) Carnival as a celebration of music, dancing, misbehavior every bit good as extremes plus day of the months back to the ancient Roman carnival of Saturnalia which was introduced in 217 BC to raise the assurance of battle-weary Romans following overcomes by the Carthaginians. It was classically a hebdomad of feeding, imbibing every bit good as the deride turnaround of the communal order, slaves being given several farther autonomies for case Several Roman Emperors such as Augustus and Caligula tried to shorten the celebrations to 3 yearss but were met by agencies of such chaos plus were forced to go the residents to their societal assemblage. ( Getz, 2007 ) Rio Carnival today: Even though Rio Carnival may non be the lone party in Brazil, is still expensive well-known. Equally far as the participants are considered, biggest carnival in footings of member is held in Recife in the North where in 2006 1.5 million people took portion. The Rio event has developed repeatedly since its happening back in the seventeenth Century furthermore every twelvemonth it grows in size and more country and obeche schools turn out to be mixed up in the spectacle.A Blocos ( Blocks ) are bantam or in-between sized fold of instrumentalists and terpsichoreans drawn as of vicinities who parade with a disputing subject, slogan and point. They could be clothed in fiting T shirts or in excess inordinate outfit and there are now over 100 Blocos, legion of whom do non even travel away as of their street or vicinity while exposing. Hundreds of local people congregate and escort them in their difficult work. ( Richards et al. , 2010 ) Over profoundly financed obeche schools are immense groups of performing artists which participate in parade competitions in a peculiarly built Sambodromo. These schools procession held on the 4 major darks of the carnival, along with the rubric parade individual held on the Saturday dark. The official resistance can be alienated into 10 classs and a victor picked as of each distribution after being reconsidered on each of the followers ; beating set, Samba vocal, Harmony, Flow and spirit, topic of the twelvemonth, Overall feeling, Floats and props, Costumes, Vanguard group and Flag carrier. There are 4 Judgess in each group and these people sit in booths along the parade path in the Sambodromo. Great standing is awarded to the victors and the competition is taken really critically with monolithic sums of efforts, exercising and money invested. ( Reisinger, 2009 ) Entrance tickets for the Sambodromo parades are awarded and as such are dearly-won even in the low-cost bleacher seats which cost some hundred dollars. Topographic points in the VIP boxes run to 1000s of dollars as they offer the witness much more ease and handiness of installations, unfastened saloon, 3 class dinner etc. for what is a lengthy of sing. Tickets and some hotels often sell out month s in progress so if you want to travel guarantee a longer manner in progress. The stakeholders: Keeping in head the nature of the event it turns out to be clear that the stakeholders are fundamentally the tourers and local audiences that come as of everyplace to bask this event, its coloring material and the different parade and dances which are the really major portion of this festival. ( Bichou et al. , 2007 ) Social-cultural benefits and issues linked with festival: The modern universe is confronting menaces like terrorist act and mark violent death and there are many parts of the universe where the felons wait for such mega events so that they can acquire a opportunity to do harm on high graduated tables. The harm can be anything like robbing, killing and even bomb blasts which are usually the cardinal focal point for terrorists in today s universe. The community may ever experience itself at hazard during such plans and events as the ratio of offense is higher and it s hard to follow and command due to the size of event. Talking about benefits, festival like Rio brings concern to the state and enables the alien to understand the civilization of the native people. Not merely does it pull people for long clip but even in the four ( Getz, 2007 ) What tourists might comprehend as an effort to acquire closer to the reliable and to interrupt through to the back part, hosts will frequently comprehend as a misdemeanor, an violation on private and personal infinite, and these differing perceptual experiences shape the power dealingss flanked by hosts and tourers. Merely as objects are altered as they are placed in the forepart and false dorsum parts, the hosts are alienated through their functions in the concern: they become anders, person other than what they one time were. This position of how hosts and their civilization are changed allows me to turn up the cardinal impression of genuineness in the review of the touristry concern in the plants in my acquisition. The three writers portray touristry as doing those who live and work in the concern anders. Returning to the impression of forepart and back parts, so, I argue that the creative persons portray the echt back part as a infinite that has been lost or is threatened by touristry, as it is bit by bit becomes anders and is turned into a false, staged back part. The acquisition depicts touristry and its impacts as a menace, implicitly observing a failure to protect the genuineness of the back part as of touristry. Discussion on how the festival event can assist to further cultural apprehension There are many possible ways in the carnival may assist in order to further cultural apprehensions. The universe has turns out to be little small town and as a consequence people have turns out to be closer to each other with the aid of Information engineering. That is the chief cause behind the fact that people want to cognize about each other s civilization values and beliefs as they find cognizing about these cultural values really interesting. In order to acquire the cultural understandings events like The Rio Carnival plays a cardinal function as non merely the fact that its is really attractive but at the same clip it s one of the celebrated and large festival that automatically attracts the attending of people as of all over the universe and they want to cognize about it, how it started and the other linked civilizations with it. ( Bichou et al. , 2007 ) Peoples as of all over the universe as mentioned earlier fly to Brazil to bask this festival. This gives them chance to cognize about the local civilizations and the different interesting facts that may be associated with these civilizations which may change after every hundred stat mis depending on the locals of the state and different cultural beliefs which they may possess. Recommendations for extenuating negative societal and cultural impacts of the event festival Contemporary universe faces some serious menaces. These menaces can be terrorist act, robberies, violent deaths and other issues. Terrorists are ever in hunt of such festivals and societal assemblages where the figure of participants irrespective of the fact that they are performer or audience. This merely for the ground that the more large the assemblage is the bigger will be the degree of devastation which may be caused by these terrorists. Therefore, it turns out to be the duty of the event direction squad and the concerned governments to do certain that all the available latest tools and other installations like information engineering and directions and security techniques are adopted in order to do certain that the event direction is successful at the same clip is safe as of any sort terrorist activity which may do the loss of cherished lives. ( Getz, 2007 ) Decisions: Sing the elaboratenesss of IT organisations at present, there is a strong demand of all right Event direction pattern and the demand for engineering enabled processs is critical for best possible operational effectivity. The intent of an Event Management class is to perceive events of important service factors and respond immediately to direct those events. At present we want informations gathered, concurrent, processed and so analyzed as much fleetly and right as possible. Effectiveness commence with anterior readying to acquire an thought that which services are indispensable and entail supervising along with usual reassess Sessionss to maintain these regulations clear, precise and applicable. ( Reisinger, 2009 ) Technology contributes a great trade in heightening the Event Management procedure by computerising the existent procedure actions themselves ( for illustration event acknowledgment, event proclamation and automatic incident formation ) , and through analysing the consequences as of some other associated processs ( such as Configuration Management ) . Incorporation with other patterns ( peculiarly Incident Management, crisis Management, Accessibility Management, Configuration Management and Service rank Management ) is crucially important to vouch that events are handled expeditiously and that the maximal degrees of handiness and service are kept. ( Getz, 2007 )
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Avoid a Computer Disaster (4 Tips on Backing Up Data)
How to Avoid a Computer Disaster (4 Tips on Backing Up Data) How to Avoid a Computer Disaster (4 Tips on Backing Up Data) Most college work is now written on computers, not by hand. There are many advantages to this, since you can edit work more easily on screen, and a printed paper is usually much easier to read. However, one benefit of pens is that they rarely break and delete several hours of your work. Computers, meanwhile, can crash without warning (especially if you’re prone to spilling your coffee on your laptop). As such, we’ve got a few tips on backing up data to share. 1. Save Regularly The first and most basic tip we can offer is to save your work regularly. One way to do this is to configure the auto-save options in your word processor to create a recovery file every few minutes. If your computer does crash, this should stop you from losing too much work. You can’t rely on auto-save completely, though, so make sure to save manually as well. Just hit Ctrl and S. Its that easy. 2. Using Multiple Saves In fact, while you’re saving manually, make sure you have at least two copies of any file you’re currently working on. That way you’ll have a backup in case you accidentally overwrite one. If you’re working on a longer document, like a thesis or dissertation, you might even want to save each new draft separately. This protects you against losing information, but also lets you compare different versions of a document during the editing process. 3. Backing Up Important Files Most important of all is not putting all of your (electronic) eggs in one (computer) basket. In other words, create a backup of all the important information on your computer. This applies to personal stuff (photos, music, etc.) as well as your college work. This could be on an external hard drive, via a cloud service, or on other storage media (e.g. CDs or DVDs). That way, if your computer does break, you have a way of quickly restoring lost data. Probably not a floppy disk, though, unless your computer is very, very old.(Photo: George Chernilevsky/wikimedia) How often you back up data is up to you, but we’d suggest doing it at least once a month. 4. Data Recovery Maybe you’ve found this blogpost because your computer has already crashed and won’t start again, so now you’re googling desperately for a solution. If so, we might have the answer. Data recovery is the process of retrieving data from a hard drive. If it’s just a case of having deleted something by accident, there’s a good chance you can retrieve it with the right software. But if the hard drive is damaged, recovering data is more difficult. Your college’s IT department might be able to help with this. If not, there are professional services that can. Data recovery can be expensive, though, so backing up your work before it comes to this is wise!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 66
Discussion - Assignment Example Apparently, people tend to mix the political ideology of people with that of the religion and tend to take into consideration the faith of candidates while deciding on whether to vote for someone or not. 1People tend to prefer to know the core beliefs of the political candidates before deciding whether to vote or not and as such Mormonism is not yet accepted at mass level. Though it is more related with the Christianity however, its core differences make it different from the mainstream Christian religion. What is however, important to note that the religion has links and proximity with all major three religions which can easily make it the mainstream religion in the country? The religion’s similarity with all major religions is its major appeal whereas its certain practices such as secrecy maintained while conducting prayers sessions is something which can be considered as not having universal appeal to many who view these practices with more
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Influence of War and Politics on British Music Scenario Research Paper
The Influence of War and Politics on British Music Scenario - Research Paper Example The bands like Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd and other popular contemporary Rock bands have drawn inspiration from the stories of bravery and heroism of the British Army, the infantry, the air force, the navy. The epic battle of the British Infantry (the light brigade) in the deadly cold Russian winter has been a source of inspiration and a literary basis for many compositions of British bands especially Iron Maiden. Similarly global political scenario and the historic speeches and decisions of Britain’s political leaders like Sir Winston Churchill have also been the literary backbone of compositions. These factors have influenced and given rise to a new sub-genre of existential rock music and influenced popular genres of music like NWOBHM, psychedelic rock, alternate rock etc to step out of the comfort zone of literary contexts and include burning issues, current affairs and write songs on the prevailing national circumstances etc. The report will be discussing the impact of the war scenario of the first half of the 20th century (mainly the first two world wars and the cold war) in the compositions of British Rock and Heavy Metal band Iron Maiden. Brief explanation of New Wave of British Heavy Metal, its origins, and development in the UK: The New Wave of British Heavy Metal was a heavy metal uprising that originated in the 1970’s and got global attention in the 1980’s with most number of compositions reaching the top in the international music ranking charts. It was spearheaded by bands like Saxon, Motor Head, Diamond Head, Iron Maiden etc. This genre came into being due to the gradual demise of popular and influential heavy metal bands like Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath etc. the lighter and casual elements of the genre of heavy metal were omitted and the sound was re-upholstered to give it a more tough appearance and gigantic stature in terms of heavy usage of guitars and the synthes is of keyboard, guitars and drums. Examination of significant compositions Two Minutes to midnight: The song two minutes to midnight written and performed by Iron Maiden in several international and country tours over the decades is influenced by the concept of the Doom’s Day. It was a song that has heavy influences of the prevailing Cold War during the eighties after the dismantling of the Axis Powers and peace treaty signed by leading allies in both opposing camps that caused the two greatest wars in the history of mankind. The song is based on the cold war and the bitterness in international relations looming large at the wake of a new future after the end of the world wars. It talks about the gradually advancing dooms day. The dooms day would be nothing but a nuclear holocaust due to nuclear capabilities of nuclear powers spiralling out of control. The song says, â€Å"The golden goose is on the loose†which hints at the lurking threat of a nuclear catastrophe due to an unannounced nuclear strike by either party. This was the major fear in the hearts
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Women role in our society Essay Example for Free
Women role in our society Essay Today, it cannot be denied that the liberation of the women (will be better to change to the women’s liberation) from domestic duties and subservient status has actually brought them an independently social equal position or superior to that of men. Women today are very active as they take part in many social functions of the communities, and have achieved (achieve – it might be dangerous to use simple present and present perfect in a joined- sentence, take a safer way ^0^) great successful (successes – should be a noun not adjective) in life. In any ( various, a vast amount of – I’m not quite sure about using â€Å"any†here, it’s fine when you translate to Vietnamese, however, it’s pretty rare to see such sentence in English document) countries around the world, many of ambassadors, ministers, commander-in-chiefs and senators are women. Some believed that women are excellent managers, since they are patient and prudent to solve the difficulties and urgent problems rather than being impatient like men. For instance, the recent survey points out that in Europe women held 23.2% of the seats in the Congress, however, in Sweden and Finland the number increases to 42% (The point is this example doesn’t seem to prove the above statement, take another one which should be related to a situation requiring being patient – customer complainning, for instance). Besides, many people think that women earn (more) than three-fourth as much as men actually, women’s weekly earnings were 75% of men’s which show the women’s ability compared to men. Women are also working in every fields of life. They are serving the nation in the same way like (as) the men (are), more than 70% of them are in the labor force. Women is flying the airplanes, they are doctors, engineers, lawyer †¦.and more than a mother. Today (Avoiding using such word, it will lower you mark ) many girls (young females) graduates (graduate) from high schools and enroll in colleges or universities then become successful managers or even the chairmans of a big company (to increase the mark try to use words like : multination corporation, enterprise). Women can learn, start a business and they can become billionaires just like the men. In conclusion, women today are treated more fairly, they can vote, do politics, run a business, and their ability to work in any aspects in life such as education, economics, laws, entertainment shows that women are not behind in any case than a man. But (never ever use â€Å"but†to begin a sentence) in many part of the world, there is still gender discrimination which must be fought against. To be fair, this is a good assignment, well done. However, you can do even better if you focus on : + To list various things, never use â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , for example such as education, economics, laws, entertainment = must be changed into such as education, economics, laws, and entertainment It must be that way to get a band 7 or 8 in the test + Never use â€Å"but†, â€Å"and†, to start a sentence - there are more, try to search for them + Avoiding using many, today, and words that show personal opinions, it is more academic to use passive voice. +The provided arguments are not strong enough, do more research before writing will help
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Organ Donation Essay -- essays research papers
How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want?.............What if it was something you couldn’t live without?..........My cousin was five years old when he found out he needed a new kidney. He went on the organ waiting list right away. He was called twice during a six month span that they had a kidney wasn’t a good match. He had to wait again. The third time was a charm. A small adult was in an accident and his kidney was a good match. This story had a happy ending, but so many do not. One of the people on the waiting list for an organ transplant might be someone you know. Today I’d like to tell you about first, the need for organ donors in our area, second, how you can become an organ donor after you die, and finally, how your family and organ donor recipients benefit from your donation. People around the world, but also right here in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Illinois, need organ transplants, and they need our help. The problem is that there is a lack of organ donors who make organ transplantation possible. The need is many organs and tissues such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, corneas, bone, skin, heart valves, and blood vessels. In spring 2004 the Official U.S. Government web site for organ donation states that, â€Å"A new name is added to the national waiting list every 16 minutes.†That means that 3 people will be added to the list during the time we are in class today. The problem is that 10 people will die each day waiting fo...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Erie Performance Polymers Essay
INTRODUCTION This case tells us about Stanley Wong, division manager for Erie Performance Polymers and general manger of Wuhan Erie Polymers joint venture who had received an approval for his transfer request to Gary, Indiana, USA, headquarters of Erie. He was given the task of recommending to the board, from a list of six candidates, a successor to his position. During his tenure Stanley Wong has tried to modernize the thought process of his mainly Chinese employees, at the same time being sensitive to the cultural differences, he tried to create an organisational culture which was a mix of both Chinese and western values. He must make sure that his successor is sensitive to the existent differences in culture and that he is well equipped to handle problems or conflicts which these differences might cause. NOMINATION OF SUCCESSOR (Q1) After considering the six candidates it can be said that all of them six have certain shortcomings and none can be considered ideal for the job, however Bruce Po would probably best suit this position since he possesses several important qualities required for succeeding in this position. Wright and Mischel (1987) have stated that predictable behaviour would be achieved when management practices would be congruent with national cultural values which according to Earley (1994) would further result in high performance. According to Perlmutter (1969) polycentric firms are those, which, by experience or by inclination of the top executive begin with the assumption that host country cultures are different and that foreigners are difficult to understand (p11). Perlmutter (1969) further states that local people know what is best for them and the part of the firm which is located in the host country should be as local in identity as possible. Bruce Po is a national manager and possess’ the advantage of having the knowledge of the local business scene (Scullion & Collings, 2006). Being fluent in Chinese and having a good understanding of Chinese culture and traditions, he will be able to not only communicate and motivate his staff efficiently but also socialize and maintain good relations with government officials, which is required for this post. Governmental policies favour appointment of HCN managers (Dowling & Welch, 2004). Wilson, Bernadin and Russel (1998) have concluded that the failure rate of PCN managers is also high compared to HCN managers. Appointment of Po would satisfy the need to appoint a host country national (HCN) as the manager. Po has shown in the past that he is capable of making crucial decisions much needed for this managerial post. He is intelligent, committed and hardworking and will successfully be able to implement modern business techniques which he is currently learning. The current scenario requires a manager who can ensure that the subsidiary has a similar corporate culture and shares similar values of the main firm to maximise productivity using socialization must to assert control, much like a ‘bumble–bee’ (Harzing, 2001). Po lacks networking skills with the head quarters and might fail to assert the required amount of control. The Chinese have shared the tradition of respect for elders for many generations (Wales, 1946). Po, being only 32 years of age might not be able to command that respect from his colleagues. AREAS WHERE CROSS-CULTURAL CONFLICTS MAY ARISE AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO SOLVE THESE CHALLENGES (Q2) According to Choi and Beamisch (2004) conflicts could cause substantial problems to a company and cultural conflicts may further complicate the process. Large cultural differences would increase the difficulty for the involved groups to understand each other’s point of view. To get a better understanding of the cultural differences between the two nations lets take into account the research done by Hofstede (1984). Hofstede (1984) developed and named 5 dimensions, which best characterised a culture, enabling us to make a comparison between cultures. These five dimensions were individualism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity and long-term orientation (Hofstede, 1984). Chinese differ substantially with respect to individualism, long term orientation and power distance when compared to the Americans (, 2014). These differences could result in conflicts in the following areas:- Intercultural communication Problems often occur due to misunderstandings, which come up as a result of cultural differences in methods of negotiation and handling conflict (Adler, 1986; Adler and Graham, 1989). The Americans who are associated with individualism believe in confrontation while the collectivist Chinese try to avoid conflict and heated arguments (Hofstede, 1984). This could lead to misunderstandings when the two parties communicate. For example the Americans might think that silence from their Asian colleague is a sign of consent when actually it isn’t. The Chinese might misunderstand their American colleagues’ arguments and confrontation as lack of respect. Even in negotiation, which is the two sided exchange of signals between parties, people from different cultures interpret signals differently; negotiators might thus misread the signals or transmit an unmeant message. Thomas & Pondy (1977) have suggested that often ones words, facial expressions, body language and speech lead to attributions of intent that could cause conflict. Augsburger (1992) further stated that this phenomenon runs rampant in cross-cultural communication. Adoption of modern business practices Its observed that collectivist values are more suited for agrarian economy and are very different from the individualistic values which encourage more openness, conflict and innovation (Chen, Tjosvold and Pan, 2010). It is important for organisations to adopt modern business techniques in order to compete in emerging global market. Individualists are more up to date and endorse modern management ideas while collectivists don’t (Hofstede, 1984). These differences in individualistic and collectivist values of the two culture could lead to hindrance and conflict with regards to adopting modern business techniques (Inkeles and Smith, 1974). Selling price decisions Taking into consideration the fifth dimension, which is long-term orientation. The Chinese and the Americans have a different mindset when it comes to running a viable business. The Americans use long term strategies to achieve their goal while the Chinese aim for quick profits. The Chinese focus on cutting edge prices and on getting in and out of the market fast. Discussing selling price and decisions on future prospects could lead to conflict escalation due to differences in ideology. Conflict management is vital in a joint venture but to prevent conflicts by clear initial agreements and open communication is preferred. Cultural distance has been defined as ‘†¦basic differences between cultures, such as value systems, beliefs, customs and rituals in addition to legal, political and economic systems’ (Cao, Hirschi and Deller, 2012, p. 167). According to Tung and Verbeke (2010) the first step in overcoming uncertainty and its consequences is managing this process with an understanding of cross cultural relations. Zhang, Y., Harwood, J. and Hummert, M. (2005) have stated that misunderstandings related to cultural differences can be avoided and performance can be improved by applying effective conflict management in the joint venture. Cultural awareness and cultural value systems must be put in place to overcome misunderstandings. This will help two parties to understand each other better (Tang and Ward, 2003). In a joint venture it is important that both groups understand each other’s point of view. This will lead to a mutual understanding between the parties enhancing trust and communication and reducing the chances of a conflict. Conflicts cannot always be averted, some need to be addressed. Conflict management approaches must be used to deal with these conflicts. Blake and mouton (1964) have stated two conflict management styles, the accommodating approach and the avoiding approach. The accommodating approach is when concern is shown for the other group. This conflict management method is appropriate due to the fact that reaching common objectives are in the best interest of the joint venture. Finally Conflict management is a skill that can be taught and developed. It must be taught to specialists in the human resources section. CHALLENGE IN ATTRACTING, RETAINING AND REWARDING INTERNATIONAL TALENT (Q3) Reiche (2007) states that retention of valuable employees is a critical strategy for HR managers and organisational leaders in order to survive in the long term and achieve competitive advantage in the global economy. Senior executive selection and retention is of prime importance since they are responsible for overall direction and scope of business activity. The retention of intellectual capital is of growing strategic importance (Tymon, Stump and Doh, 2010) and there has been a growing interest among organisations, practitioners and academics (Scullion, Collings and Gunningle, 2007). Asian countries have particularly faced significant problems with respect to employee retention despite their economic growth in recent years (Barnett, 1995). It was important to choose a successor who could motivate his employees and encourage them to be a part of the organisation for longest possible time. Stanley would also have to take into consideration the candidates ethnicity, since to work and live in china might prove quite difficult for expatriates and they might end up leaving. Employee retention benefits both the organisation as well as the employee because organisational performance is a product of individual performance (Pfeffer and Sutton, 2006). In order to retain employees companies provide training and mentoring to their top employees which would help them broaden their skills (Groysberg, Nanda and Nohria, 2004). Wong’s challenge is to communicate clearly the possibilities for future training, development, and career progress which is a crucial part of a successful retention strategy (Lasserre and Ching, 1996) The successor must have good team work skills since it is observed that team work allows greater employee participation and increases organisations performance which influences motivation and satisfaction of employees (Nel et al 2002). This would lead to employee retention. Job satisfaction is very important in order to ensure that the successor retains his position for a long time. Autonomy, good relations with co-workers and working co nditions are factors which influence job satisfaction. In china it is very difficult to maintain good relations with co-workers if you cant communicate in Chinese. Managers who might not be able to speak Chinese might not be satisfied with the job since they would not be able to communicate and maintain relations with their co-workers. The reward system is strongly influenced by economic and social factors. According to Schhuster and Zingheim (1992) designing of the reward system must be done strategically in a way to reward results and behaviour, which are consistent with goals of the organisation. WEP must use the total reward approach, which takes into consideration the totality of extrinsic/intrinsic and transactional/relational rewards in reward design (Thompson, 2002). The challenge that Wong faces is to shape reward systems such that they balance the needs and desires of HCNs, PCNs and TCNs (Fisher, Schoenfeldt and Shaw, 1999). He must make sure that he motivates his employees by ensuring that compensation is given to skilled e mployees who achieve their targets and make international business operations succeed (McNally, 1992). Harvey (1995) identified the problem that compensation was different for HCNs and expatriates. Often expatriates make more money than HCNs who might have a job of equal or more importance (Harvey, 1995). This might make the HCN employees feel like they are being treated unfairly (Fisher, Shoenfeldt and Shaw, 1999). Wong faces the challenge of trying to create a somewhat equal compensatory system. He must tailor rewards to fit the Chinese culture.(Westerman, Beekun, Daly and Vanka, 2009). Wong must consider the balance sheet approach, which facilitates mobility among expatriate staff in the most cost affective manner (Reynolds, 1995). This approach is considered expensive and complicated. Phillips and fox (2003) have stated that this is not an effective means of attracting and retaining the best expatriates. An alternative approach would be the going rate approach, which is primarily based on host country market pay rates (Dowling, Welch and Schuler, 1994). A good reward system could attract, retain and motivate employees. It is important for WEP to offer special benefits such as housing provision and cost of living allowances to attract expatriates. Benefits were found to be an important component in encouraging prospect expatriates to accept international assignments (Konopaske and Werner, 2005). Job applicants are attracted to organisations that fit with their personal values (Kristof, 1996). CONCLUSION To conclude we can say that Stanley Wong has numerous factors to take into consideration before nominating a successor. Neglecting cultural differences, dependency on the other partner and unresolved conflicts could lead to termination of the joint venture (Kemp, 1999). With a large increase in globalization rate over the years in order to create an environment in which workers are able to communicate and achieve common goals, it is important that multinational organizations learn to integrate diverse value systems and engage global work values (Rosenblatt, 2011; Erez and Drori, 2009; Ralston, Holt, Terpstra & Kai-cheng, 1997). REFERENCES Adler, N. (1986). International dimensions of organizational behavior. The International Executive, 28(1), 31-32. Adler, N. and Graham, J. (1989). Cross-Cultural Interaction: The International Comparison Fallacy?. J Int Bus Stud, 20(3),.515-537. Augsburger, D. (1992). Conflict mediation across cultures: Pathways and patterns. Louisville, Ky.: Westminster/John Knox Press Barnett, R. (1995). Flexible benefits: Communication is the key, Benefits and Compensation International, 24(6), 25-28. Blake, R., & Mouton, J. (1964). The managerial grid: Key orientations for achieving production through people. Houston, Tex.: Gulf Pub. Cao, L., Hirschi, A., & Deller, J. (2012). Self-initiated expatriates and their career success. Journal of Management Development, 31(2), 159-172. Chen, Y., Tjosvold, D. and Pan, Y. (2010). Collectivist team values for Korean–Chinese co-worker relationships and job performance. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 34(5), 475-481. Choi, C., & Beamish, P. (2004). Split management control and international joint venture performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 35(3), 201-215. Dowling, P., & Welch, D. (2004). International human resource management. London: Thomson. Earley, P. (1994). Self or Group? Cultural Effects of Training on Self-Efficacy and Performance. Administrative Science Quarterly, 39(1), 89. Erez, Miriam and Gili S. Drori. (2009) â€Å"Global Culture and Organizational Processes†in Rabi S. Bhagat and Richard M. Steers (eds.) Handbook of Culture, Organizations, and Work, Cambridge University Press,148-179. Fisher, C., & Schoenfeldt, L. (1999). Human resource management (4th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.,. (2014). United States – Geert Hofstede. Retrieved 28 November 2014, from Groysberg, B., Nanda, A., & Nohria, N. (2004). The risky business of hiring stars. In Harvard Business Review (pp. 1-10). Boston, Mass.:Harvard Business Online. Harvey, M. (1995). The Impact of dual-career families on international relocations. Human Resource Management Review Studies, 5,223-244. Hofstede, G. (1984). Culture’s consequences (p. 153). Beverly Hills: Sage Publications Harzing, A. (2001). Of bears, bumble-bees, and spiders: the role of expatriates in controlling foreign subsidiaries. Journal Of World Business, 36(4), 366-379. Inkeles, A., & Smith, D. (1974). Becoming modern: Individual change in six developing countries. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Kemp, M. (1999). Science in culture. Nature, 646-646. Konopaske, R., & Werner, S. (n.d.). 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Haasbroek, Oxford University Press, Southern Africa, Cape Town, 2001, pp. 476. European Management Journal, 107-108. Tang, J., & Ward, A. (2003). The changing face of Chinese management. London: Routledge Thomas, K.W. & Pondy, L.R. (1977). Toward an â€Å"intent†model of conflict management among principal parties. Human Relations, 30: 1089-l 102.†¨ Tung, R., & Verbeke, A. (2010). Beyond Hofstede and GLOBE: Improving the quality of cross-cultural research. J Int Bus Stud, 41(8), 1259-1274. Tymon, W., Stumpf, S., & Doh, J. (n.d.). Exploring Talent Management In India: The Neglected Role Of Intrinsic Rewards. Journal of World Business, 109-121. Wales, N. (1946). : Chinese Family and Society . Olga Lang. Far Eastern Survey, 15(17), 271-271. Westerman, J., Beekun, R., Daly, J., & Vanka, S. (n.d.). Personality and national culture: Predictors of compensation strategy preferences in the United States of America and India. Management Research News, 767-781. Wilson, M., Bernardin, H., & Russell, J. (1998). Instructor’s manual and test bank to accompany Human resource management : an experiential approach, 2nd edition. Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Wright, J., & Mischel, W. (1987). A conditional approach to dispositional constructs: The local predictability of social behavior. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 53(6), 1159-1177. Zhang, Y., Harwood, J. and Hummert, M. (2005). Perceptions of Conflict Management Styles in Chinese Intergenerational Dyads. Communication Monographs Vol. 72, No. 1. Zingheim, P., & Schuster, J. (n.d.). Designing Pay and Rewards in Professional Services Companies. Compensation & Benefits Review, 55-62
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Focus on the Learner Essay
PART 1 The students attending the pre-intermediate course are mostly Czech nationals (except one Polish student) and are in their early thirties to sixties. They all have a good level of motivation and their reasons for learning English include personal development, relocating to an English speaking country, obtaining a better job, travelling, teaching English at a higher level, and communicating with native speakers or family members living abroad. Most of them have learnt the language at school and/or university for at least 4 years (often with long breaks) and were taught by teachers who used both Czech and English in the classroom. The lessons were teacher-centred and focused on grammar, dictation and homework, leaving few opportunities for speaking practice. One student has also been attending English course offered by her employer, and also learns English independently. Two of the students are multilingual (they speak either German or French). A number of them have attended English lessons at Akcent IH in the past, which they enjoyed because they were exposed to various accents of native speakers. They prefer lessons where only English is spoken and are very receptive to CELTA teaching strategies. Students are happy to work in pairs or groups, though some would like to be corrected more often and feel they learn more when talking to the teacher. They enjoy a mixture of speaking practice and grammar work, which most perceive as difficult, but easier than listening or speaking â€Å"because grammar can be learned†. They are all eager to communicate effectively with native English speakers, develop their listening skills (difficult because of accents/talking speeds) and speaking skills (fluency, improving their accents). The students also want to broaden their vocabulary and improve their writing skills. All students are passionate about travelling, music, dancing and sports, and actively pursue these hobbies. PART 2A: Description of error Error example Corrections Reason GRAMMAR Not using the correct proper noun when referring to a particular country It is the same in Britain or in French. It is the same in Britain or in France. Most likely a slip, though possibly student doesn’t know the right word for the country or hasn’t had enough practice using it. Omitting â€Å"-s†in the present simple 3rd person singular She drink a lot of coffee. She drinks a lot of coffee. SS are aware of the rule but haven’t internalized it yet. Probably confusing for them because the verb form only changes in the 3rd person sg. VOCABULARY Using the wrong adjective (meaning) hard luggage heavy luggage L1 interference: hard and heavy are the same in Czech (tezky) Using wrong verb (collocation: you ride a bike, but drive a car) Do you know how to ride cars? Do you know how to drive a car? Drive in Czech (ridit) is similar to ride. Student learned the meanings of drive/ride in the past but mixes them up. PRONUNCIATION Wrong sounds /ven/ / wen/ Student hasn’t had enough practice using the sound /w/, which does not exist in Czech, and uses the sound /v/ instead. Wrong sounds + incorrect word stress ? /d:pan/ ? /dp?n/ L1 interference: in Czech, word stress is always on the first syllable. Student would also benefit from drilling pronunciation to correct the vowel sounds. PART 2B: Skill 1: Listening The students handle listening for gist and specific information well if the context is very clear from the start, tasks are graded to their level and the activity is engaging (as was the case when listening to a song). Essential vocabulary must be clarified before the listening task. Because they are not exposed to spoken English outside the classroom very much and have had little listening practice in their previous learning experience, they sometimes struggle with the different accents of English speakers (natives who speak quickly are particularly difficult to understand). Skill 2: Speaking Speaking tasks work well with the group, especially if the topic is something the students can relate to (like New Year’s traditions, or their hobbies: travelling and holidays were particularly stimulating themes) and have/are taught the necessary vocabulary. Free speaking tasks work best when preceded by guided practice. At times, the speaking tasks progress slowly and students are hesitant to talk. They often stop to think about the accuracy of what they are going to say and always benefit from discussing their ideas in pairs before engaging in the activity. This has to do with their previous English learning experiences, in which skills development was neglected – they were not encouraged to share their ideas or develop fluency. PART 3 Activity 1: /v/ vs. /w/ Aim: To clarify and practice the pronunciation of the sounds /v/ and /w/ in commonly encountered words. Rationale: Students have trouble pronouncing the sound /w/. Often they say /vi:kend/ instead of /wi:kend/ or /ver/ instead of /w?r/. The sound /w/ does not exist in their native language, so they use the closest sound in Czech: /v/. I found that this error is widespread amongst the students. The activity I have chosen is suitable because, apart from drilling the pronunciation of /w/ and /v/, it encourages students to identify rules as to which of sound to use in which words. I’ve adapted the task to include some of the words they had trouble with in class. Activity 2: Summer camp Aim: To give students practice using the correct form of the present simple 3rd person singular in the context of organizing a summer camp. Rationale: Students are already familiar with the rule for forming the present tense for the 3rd person singular. However, especially during speaking tasks, they omit the â€Å"-s†at the end of the verb and use the bare infinitive form. The activity I have chosen is a speaking task, because I believe that students will benefit from practice to avoid making this kind of error in a productive task and it will encourage fluency. BIBLIOGRAPHY Millin, S. (2011, June 18) – Pronunciation problems for Czech speakers of English Retrieved from
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Computing Professional Essays - Telecommuting, Working Time
Computing Professional Essays - Telecommuting, Working Time Computing Professional Formal Comprised Interview of Devin Blank Computing Professional Compiled by Damon Blank 10-01-00 Intro to Programming ITSE 1402 A Formal Interview of Devin Blank The computer industry has taken a remarkable turn over the past 10 years. The foundation of multi-million dollar companies rest on the hands of those skilled to handle the demands of todays business networks. Email, fax and file services, print sharing and remote file access, are among the many vital functions that business network administrators are responsible for maintaining. Devin Blank is a Web Security Analyst for the Dallas based branch of Delloite and Tousch. Being a company that was built to rely on computer networks, Delloite and Tousch requires and is comprised of state-of-the-art technology ranging from palm applications to multiple branch servers. Devin handles some of the maintenance and trouble shooting for the web based applications at the company. During our interview he elaborated on the following questions. 1. What is your formal job description? Explanation Devin is a Web Security analyst for Network Service. He said that in this position he is responsible for the maintenance and security of the web based applications connected to the company. He is often contracted by outside companies to consult and diagnose their networks for security purposes. 2. How long did it take you to obtain this position? Explanation Devin attended Texas A and M University in College Station, Texas. He graduated with a four-year degree in Business Finance with a specialization in network computing. So looking at the big picture, it took 4 years of college plus the summers of internship in his field. After the hiring process, Devin was placed with an on-the-job trainer for 6 months. The only way to learn the business is to do the business Devin commented. 3. Is there a specific method you use in performing your job? If so please describe it. Explanation When I asked this question, Devin kind of laughed and stated he always looks forward to answering this question. He explained his job methods to me as follows, Have you even seen the movie sneakers? he asked. Devin went on to explain that in the movie, Robert Redford is a paid Hacker if you will. He is hired to attempt to gain access to others networks or businesses. If and when he does, Devin will consult with others in his service group on the best type of fix for the loop-hole they found. 4. What degree or certificates should one hold to attain this position? What about industry or on the job training? Explanation Like mentioned in a previously discussed question, Devin has obtained a degree in business-finance and received 4 summers worth of internship training during his college years. The training program at the company is focused on specialized job functions depending on the type or job. After working at the company, Devin was required to secure and maintain a MCNE certification but did receive the class time and necessary training to sit for the test during business hours. (Paid). 5. What advise would you give to someone just starting out in this field? Explanation Devin said that he would encourage anyone interested in the business-computing field to start as early as they can. The industry is becoming younger and younger. Companies are snatching graduates straight out of college and training then to work the way they wish. 6. What is a baseline / ballpark starting salary for your field? Explanation Devin stated that if a new hire was brought on as a trainee they would more than likely be offered anywhere from forty-four thousand to sixty-five thousand depending on the experience they have prior to start. 7. How competitive is the industry you work in? Explanation Extremely Competitive Devin said. I have seen companies offer and counter-offer for employees they really want just like buying a house 8 Do you look forward to going to work? Explanation Devin stated that he has the best job in the world. He is allowed selected travel time to various destinations and multiple incentives. He stressed that he looks forward to going to work.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Sociology of Social Inequality
The Sociology of Social Inequality Social inequality results from a society organized by hierarchies of class, race, and gender that broker access to resources and rights in ways that make their distribution unequal. It can manifest in a variety of ways, like income and wealth inequality, unequal access to education and cultural resources, and differential treatment by the police and judicial system, among others. Social inequality goes hand in hand with social stratification. Overview Social inequality is characterized by the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or society. It contains structured and recurrent patterns of unequal distributions of goods, wealth, opportunities, rewards, and punishments. Racism, for example, is understood to be a phenomenon whereby access to rights and resources is unfairly distributed across racial lines. In the context of the U.S., people of color typically experience racism, which benefits white people by conferring on them white privilege, which allows them greater access to rights and resources than other Americans. There are two main ways to measure social inequality: inequality of conditions, and inequality of opportunities. Inequality of conditions refers to the unequal distribution of income, wealth, and material goods. Housing, for example, is inequality of conditions with the homeless and those living in housing projects sitting at the bottom of the hierarchy while those living in multi-million dollar mansions sit at the top. Another example is at the level of whole communities, where some are poor, unstable, and plagued by violence, while others are invested in by business and government so that they thrive and provide safe, secure, and happy conditions for their inhabitants. Inequality of opportunities refers to the unequal distribution of life chances across individuals. This is reflected in measures such as level of education, health status, and treatment by the criminal justice system. For example, studies have shown that college and university professors are more likely to ignore emails from women and people of color than they are to ignore those from white men, which privileges the educational outcomes of white men by channeling a biased amount of mentoring and educational resources to them. Discrimination of an individual, community, and institutional levels is a major part of the process of reproducing social inequalities of race, class, gender, and sexuality. For example, women are systematically paid less than men for doing the same work, and sociologists have conclusively demonstrated that racism is built into the very foundation of our society, and is present in all of our social institutions. Two Main Theories of Social Inequality There are two main views of social inequality within sociology. One view aligns with the functionalist theory, and the other aligns with conflict theory. Functionalist theorists believe that inequality is inevitable and desirable and plays an important function in society. Important positions in society require more training and thus should receive more rewards. Social inequality and social stratification, according to this view, lead to a meritocracy based on ability.Conflict theorists, on the other hand, view inequality as resulting from groups with power dominating less powerful groups. They believe that social inequality prevents and hinders societal progress as those in power repress the powerless people to maintain the status quo. In todays world, this work of domination is achieved primarily through the power of ideology, our thoughts, values, beliefs, worldviews, norms, and expectations, through a process known as cultural hegemony. How Sociologists Study Social Inequality Sociologically, we can study social inequality as a social problem that encompasses three dimensions: structural conditions, ideological supports, and social reforms. Structural conditions include things that can be objectively measured and that contribute to social inequality. Sociologists study how things like educational attainment, wealth, poverty, occupations, and power lead to social inequality between individuals and groups of people. Ideological supports include ideas and assumptions that support the social inequality present in a society. Sociologists examine how things such as formals laws, public policies, and dominant values both lead to social inequality, and help sustain it. For example, consider this discussion of the role that words and the ideas attached to them play in this process. Social reforms are things such as organized resistance, protest groups, and social movements. Sociologists study how these social reforms help shape or change social inequality that exists in a society, as well as their origins, impact, and long-term effects. Today, social media plays a large role in social reform campaigns and was harnessed in 2014 by British actress Emma Watson, on behalf of the UN, to launch a campaign for gender equality called #HeForShe.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Research - Essay Example Business leaders may want to overprice their products in an effort to cover their costs. However it can result in declining sales for businesses. While all business leaders want their businesses to grow, uncontrolled growth of business can lead to failure for an organization. Adverse selection involves a situation where a buyer or seller of a product or service is unaware of the quality or state of the product or service. This allows them to approximate what they feel is an accurate price. Because of this lack of information sellers are less likely to offer quality goods and services. Managers face a multitude of challenges when they run their businesses. Some of these challenges include pricing techniques and operational problems. If these problems are not managed effectively and /or resolved it could lead to various problems for the organization. Predatory pricing can be defined as â€Å"an anti-competitive measure employed by a dominant company to protect market share from new or existing competitors†. (â€Å"Predatory Pricing†,n.d.) The gradual reduction of the price of a product may indicate predatory pricing. A firm may want to have a monopoly over a certain market so it sells its products at prices below the firm’s costs of production. ... Certain health care systems may engage in predatory pricing with health plans not in their network in order to prevent smaller hospitals from becoming fully fledged competitors. This practice results in a managed care system monopolizing an aspect of health care. In 2011 the United States Department of Justice stated that United Regional Health Care System had participated in predatory pricing practices with certain managed care plans to eliminate Kell West Regional Hospital as competition. â€Å"DOJ (has alleged ) that United Regional’s managed care contracts with non- Blue Cross plans harmed competition by excluding Kell West from the payer’s networks in exchange for increased discounts on all services at United Regional.†(Argue , n.d., para. 2) Other health care providers may engage in predatory pricing in an effort to prevent new competitors from participating in a certain health care market. â€Å"Management information systems (MIS) are a set of procedure s to collect important business information for making management decisions.†(Vitez, 2012, para 1) While technology has made the implementation of MIS simpler there are still some disadvantages. Management personnel may spend a great deal of time designing, reviewing, implementing and controlling the MIS. This can result in the hindrance of the decision making process of managers. This poses challenges to MIS theorists since some MIS tend to not be adaptable.†(Nowduri , 2007,p.8) Company leaders may not be able to effectively perform their duties if too much time is spent focusing on MIS. It can also be a very complicated system.MIS processes may be disruptive to business operations if the system accumulates an overabundance of information that is irrelevant
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Women in business nowadays and the past Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Women in business nowadays and the past - Essay Example Stereotyping against women is a common trait around the business world. Yet, everybody should realize that a woman is in no way inferior to man and she can very well handle the pressures and stressful life of the business. Handling a family with the work is no easy job and many women in today's age are not just balancing work and family life, rather they are integrating it. The business world is getting infused with a diverse workforce day by day. The trend towards being an equal opportunity employer is rising. More and more women are being hired in today's corporate world. And the differences between men and women are being sorted out as women take on as many as 25% of top level managerial posts in successful organizations. Therefore, the composition of males and females in the workforce of a typical organization has changed. Yet men still possess a significant amount of decision making in their hands. Whether it is the power to hire and fire or to access financial resources, men are always given the advantage over women. But if businesses are to reach their highest potential, they need to make full use of women by accepting the fact that they are different from men and are not inferior to them in any way.1 Approaches to conflict: When it comes to a conflict, men usually consider it a healthy process and they use logic, bargaining and even anger to resolve it. Whereas, on the other hand, women tends to focus on the affective part by understanding each others feelings in a conflict. For women, conflict is undesirable and damaging in many ways. They have a negative view point of conflict and therefore, they would like to get it solved without exaggerating it thereby using less direct approaches. Research also suggests that men will tend to go for riskier solutions when it comes to resolution of conflict. Supervision and leadership styles: although leadership styles would look pretty similar on the core, they are quite different. Research has found that women tend to treat their subordinates more as colleagues than the men and women also encourage the participation of everyone in a decision making process. Men, in such positions, will go for a less collaborative style, and will give more directions and tend to be more dominating too. Relationship with others is an integral part of women's leadership styles than for men. A woman also tries to build a sense of community in the place where she is the leader, unlike men. Working in teams: men and women think differently in terms of what needs to be communicated when a team is in action. Women put a lot of importance to these team characteristics: competence, respect, fairness, knowledge of team member's roles, and team members should also provide extra help and support to each other when needed. Whereas, men do not place much importance on these characteristics. The Role of Women in the Society Women, more or less, assume a particular cultural and gender role that they have to fulfill. In pre-historic times, the women of the family used to help the man in doing whatever business they did out of the farms or by doing agriculture. The women used to gather products like fish or learn to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Orangutan's diet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Orangutan's diet - Essay Example Orangutans are known to be solitary but occasionally aggregation form particularly in enormous large fruiting fig trees. The individual Orangutans tend to compete as the scramble for food. Therefore, the paper will partly study the kind and strength of food competition in huge fig trees amongst the Orangutans and also probe the impacts of fruits seasonality on the changes in diets and energy balance amongst these wild Sumatran Orangutans to help understand the diet of Orangutans. Studies have shown that over 50 percent of Orangutans diet is composed of fruits hence earmarked as frugivorous. Also, their diet is composed of young leaves approximated to be about 25%, as well as barks and flowers rated at 10%. Moreover, Orangutans diets have also been uncovered to contain about 5% of insect primarily ants, pupae, crickets, and termites. The studies have also pointed out the wild Orangutans are selective and opportunistic. Therefore, during the emergence of tasty and nutritious insects, O rangutans feed all day on them (Nellemann, United Nations Environment Programme & GRIDâ€â€Arendal, 2007, 34). In case of unavailability of fruits and insects, previous studies have observed that Orangutans feed on trees barks and leaves that are less in nutrition to avoid starvation. Moreover, wild Orangutans have been noted to learn to feed on hundreds of various food types as youngsters through observing their mothers while being permitted to take foods from the mouth and hands of their respective mothers. This study seeks to investigate and understand the Orangutans’ diet. The study will help the researcher to understand precisely what constitutes these primates diet. Moreover, the study will add knowledge to the already knowledge about these primates. Further, the study will help the researcher develop insights into changes in Orangutan caloric intake, energy balance, and ketones in
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Literature Search on the effects of Overtime on Nursing staff
Literature Search on the effects of Overtime on Nursing staff PICO Question Numerous research studies have been completed in the last ten years linking higher nurse patient ratios to improved patient outcomes. A consequence of mandating nurse staffing levels is the use of mandatory and voluntary overtime which can lead to increased fatigue and adverse events. The use of overtime is not a solution to maintaining adequate nurse staffing levels and can have detrimental, unwanted consequences. The potential risk to nurses and patients must be explored through quality research. In an attempt to meet staffing ratios many organizations rely on the use of mandatory and voluntary overtime which leads to fatigue and adverse outcomes. P: Overtime I: Limit hours worked by RNs to 12 per 24 hours C: No limit on hours worked O: Decreased fatigue and adverse outcomes Search Strategies with Medline, CINAHL and Google Scholar Medline Using the Medline database the key words RN staffing and hour worked were entered. This resulted in 21,214 articles. To narrow this search the following limits were applied: publication years 2004-2009, English language, patient safety and medical errors. This resulted in 407 articles. To narrow to a manageable number of relevant articles the subheading of staffing: supply and distribution, and personnel staffing and scheduling were added to the previous search terms resulting in 26 current articles. A systematic review was completed using the terms RN staffing, overtime and patent safety, which provided similar results and articles. Final articles chosen were: International Experts Perspectives on the State of the Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes Literature by Van den Heede, et al published in the January 2007 issue of Journal of Nursing Scholarship and Correlates of medication error in hospitals by Wilkins and Shields published in the June 2008 issue of Health Reports. CINAHL Keywords entered into the CINAHL database included mandatory overtime in nursing and patient safety which resulted in 1,597 articles. By setting the parameters to articles published between 2004 and 2009 in the English language and adding the subheading of personnel staffing and scheduling and adverse outcomes a total of 31 articles were provided. Adding the subheading of quality of nursing care along with the keywords systematic review resulted in 17 final articles. The two articles chosen were: Nurse Staffing and Healthcare Outcomes: A systematic review of the International Research Evidence by Lankshear, Sheldon and Maynard published in the 2005 issue of Advances in Nursing Science and Factors Influencing the use of Registered Nurse Overtime in Hospitals, 1995-200 published by Berney, Needleman and Kovner in the second quarter 2005 issue of Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Google Scholar Keywords nurse staffing, medical errors, patient outcomes and hours worked were entered into the Google Scholar database. This search resulted in 1782 articles. Adding the parameters of articles published between 2004 and 2009 and medical, pharmacological and veterinary only yielded 442 articles. The addition of the terms mandatory overtime to the above selections resulted in 180 articles. Other variations of search terms did not yield less than 180 relevant articles. Many of these 180 articles were also found in the final Medline and CINAHL searches. The two chosen from this search included: The working hours of hospital staff nurses and patient safety published by Rogers et al in the July / August 2004 edition of Health Watch. The second article Scott et. al Effects of critical care nurses work hours on vigilance and patients safety published in the January 2006 issue of American Journal of Critical Care. Analysis of Articles from each Database Medline Analysis International Experts Perspectives on the State of the Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes Literature by Van den Heede et al., published in the fourth quarter 2007 issue of Journal of Nursing Scholarship is an article written to assess the variables used in research on nurse staffing and patient outcomes from the perspective of an international panel. A Delphi survey (November 2005-February 2006) of a selected expert panel from 10 countries consisting of 24 researchers specializing in nurse staffing and quality of care and 8 nurse administrators were sent a review of evidence related to 30 patient outcomes, 14 nurse staffing and 31 background variables and asked to rate the importance or usefulness of each variable for research on nurse staffing and patient outcomes. In subsequent rounds the group median, mode, frequencies, and earlier responses were sent to each respondent. The conclusions of this study provided a picture of the science on nurse staffing and patient outcomes researc h as of 2006. The findings showed a connection between human resource issues and healthcare quality based on empirical findings and opinion. While the article did focus on quality of care and nurse patient ratios, it did not provide relevant information regarding the effects of extended work hours on patient care outcomes. Correlates of medication error in hospitals by Wilkins and Shields published in the June 2008 issue of Health Reports examined associations between medication error and selected factors in the workplace of hospital employed registered nurses in Canada. Data was derived from the 2005 National Survey of the Work and Health of Nurses in Canada who deliver direct care to hospital patients. Correlates of medication error were considered in bivariate and multivariate analyses. Multiple logistic regression modeling was used to examine medication error in relation to work organization and workplace environment, while controlling for personal factors, including nurses general and mental health, job satisfaction, education years of experience, and clinical area of employment. The results of this study showed that nearly one-fifth of nurses reported medication error involving patients had occurred occasionally or frequently in the past year. In the fully adjusted multivariate model, medication error was positively associated with working overtime, role overload, perceived staffing or resource inadequacy. Working a 12 hour shift, compared with shorter shifts was negatively associated with medication errors. This article provided relevant information pertaining to the initial PICO question of hours worked and adverse outcomes. CINAHL Analysis The 2005 issue of Advances in Nursing Science contained the article Nurse staffing and healthcare outcomes: A systematic review of international research evidence by Lankshear et. al. The authors performed a systematic review of the literature and policy analysis and conducted interviews with key researchers in the filed in both the Untied States and the United Kingdom. The goal was to retrieve research on nurse staffing and healthcare outcomes published since 1990. A combination of electronic databases, internet and organizational web sites, and contacted researchers were queried. For each relevant study data were extracted systematically using a predesigned table to describe the type and feature of the workforce, the setting, the outcomes, the methods used, the results found, the quality of the studies and the limitations. A formal meta-analysis of the results was not able to be conducted due to the studies reporting different outcomes and use of different measure of staffing and w ays of summarizing the association between staffing and outcome. Instead, a qualitative synthesis to explore patterns in the data and possible explanations for inconsistencies such as study design, analysis, context and setting was used. The systematic review found that many of the studies were of poor quality, using data from only one unit or hospital or failing to control for case mix variations. Overall, there was found to be accumulating evidence of a relationship between nurse staffing, especially higher skill mix, and patient outcomes. However, the estimates of the nurse staffing effects are likely to be unreliable. There is emerging evidence of a curvilinear relationship that suggests that the cost effectiveness of using registered nurse levels as a quality improvement tool will gradually become less cost effective. This article addressed staffing issues and quality of care but focused little on the issue of increased work hours of nurses and patient care outcomes. Factors Influencing the Use of Registered Nurse Overtime in Hospital, 1995-2000 by Berney et al published in the second quarter 2005 issue of Journal of Nursing Scholarship, aimed to assess nurse overtime in acute care general hospitals and the factors that influenced overtime among various hospitals. Staffing data from 1995-2000 from 193 acute general hospitals in New York State were used to examine hospital characteristics to determine whether they were associated with nurse overtime. The study concluded that hospitals varied dramatically in their overtime use. Some categories, for example Government owned, used little overtime indicating that management can find substitutes for overtime to meet fluctuating staffing needs. Unionized hospitals worked slightly more overtime than did nurses in nonunionized hospitals. The finding that hospitals with similar characteristics varied greatly in their number of overtime hours also supported this conclusion. Statistical analysis was complete d with bivariate associations between nurse overtime and each hospital characteristic and independent nursing variables. The article provided valuable information on the various uses of overtime by hospitals, but did not specifically address the correlation between hours worked and adverse events. Google Scholar The July 2004 issue of Health Watch contained an article by Rogers et al, The working hours of hospital staff nurses and patient safety. A letter explaining the study and eligibility criteria was mailed to a random nationwide sample of 4,320 members of the American Nurses Association during the winter of 2002. 1.725 nurses expressed interest by returning the completed demographic questionnaire. The final sample consisted of 393 registered nurses working full time as unit based hospital staff nurses. Logbooks were completed by these participants who revealed they usually worked longer than originally schedule and that 40% of 5,317 work shifts logged exceeded 12 hours. The risk of making an error were increased when shifts were longer than 12 hours, nurses worked overtime, or when they worked more than 40 hours per week. The data from demographic questionnaires and logbooks were then summarized using descriptive statistics and frequency tables. The long and unpredictable hours document ed suggest a link between poor working conditions and treats to patient safety. This article provided relevant information pertaining to the initial PICO question. Scott et. al published Effects of Critical Care nurses work hours on vigilance and patients safety in the January 2006 issue of American Journal of Critical Care. The objectives were to describe the work patterns of critical care nurses, determine if an association existed between the occurrence of errors and the hours worked, and explore whether these work hours have adverse effects on the nurses vigilance. Data were obtained from a random sample of critical care nurses in the Untied States. Nurses eligible for the study were mailed two 14 day logbooks to fill out. Information collected included the hours worked, the time of day worked, overtime hours, days off and sleep wake patterns. On days worked, the respondents completed all work related questions and questions about difficulties in remained awake while on duty. The 502 respondents consistently worked longer than scheduled and for extended periods. Longer work duration increased the risk of errors and near errors and decreased nurses vigilance. The findings support the Institute of Medicine recommendations to minimize the use of 12 hours shifts and limit work hours to no more than 12 consecutive hours during a 24 hour period. This article contained information pertinent to the original PICO question. Article best addressing PICO Question Effects of Critical Care Nurses Work Hours on Vigilance and Patients Safety (Scott et. al., 2006) and Correlates of Medication Errors in Hospitals (Wilkins Shields, 2008) were found to be two articles that provided quality information regarding nursing hours worked and adverse patient outcomes. While the use of subjective measure of drowsiness, self report of errors and the relatively small sample of nurses used in the studies may limit the generalize-ability of the findings, the anonymity provided lends to more truthful responses. The methods allowed the nurses to disclose information that might have been unattainable if the use of standard categories for error reporting had been used. Although 12 hour shifts are popular among nurses, the findings in this study are congruent with previous reports that recommend minimizing the use of 12 hour shifts or at least limiting nurses work hours to more than 12 consecutive hours during a 24 hour period. Experience and extensive research in o ther industries has shown that accident rates increase when workers work 12 hours or longer. However, research pertaining to nurses has been relatively recent and data on accidents in healthcare facilities are not widely available. Conclusion Each database provided relevant articles containing research on the issue of the number hours worked by nurses and the effect of hours worked on patient care outcomes. Keywords nursing hours worked and patient outcomes delivered a large number of results. The methods to narrow results by placing additional parameters can be used across all databases. While there are minute differences among databases, basic search skills are universal by utilizing keywords developed in the PICO question. The final articles chosen provided data on the effects of hours worked by nurses and the potential effect on patient outcomes. While the articles addressed the limitations of the studies, the methods, data analysis and results were presented in a logical, reproducible format. The issue of the effects of long work hours has been studied extensively in other industries, such as air traffic controllers, leading to changes in work environment. Further research needs to be completed in the area of nursing regarding the effects of the long hours. These articles provide a solid basis for other researchers to build upon. The use of nursing informatics can provide databases with universal quality measures to provide more consistent, reliable data across healthcare facilities.
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